Men Are Frustrating!

Awww this thread is so sweet and nice hehe ;) :lol:

Ralphe, I wish I had the guts to do for the girl I like what you did for Xena hehe. Although once I requested a love ballad on a metal show on Valentines Day for a girl I liked, however I was shot down :( Sorry things didn't work out for you, I know how that feels! But two thumbs up dude for the effort. I wish I had the balls to do that for the girl I like...

Xena, glad to hear things went well with Craig for you. :) Good luck with it.

Anyone else feel like a big group hug now? :lol:
Ralphe... good on yer mate. :D

A lot of women can treat that sort of attention like a joke, though it seems Xena hasn't treated it as such. Seems I've learned something about her, too.
Originally posted by Stevo
Ralphe... good on yer mate. :D

A lot of women can treat that sort of attention like a joke, though it seems Xena hasn't treated it as such. Seems I've learned something about her, too.

See I ain't no self centered cow! I treat people with the respect they deserve.:)
Underneath all the hard exterior I actually am a big softy under it all.:D
I don't really know why i did just kind of happened.Anyway,
life goes on...there is still metal to listen to and beer to drink.Plus i move into my new flat in a couple of weeks(get to listen to my metal whenever i like...couldn't really do that when i was sharing a place with non-metal fans).Finally, i got a call last night from a girl who i haven't spoken to for ages and she is coming around to see me on Friday so i will see what happens there
Originally posted by JonBonJovi
Talk about ways of making a girl feel bad!

Don't feel bad.Embrace life and have fun:)

i never really meant for all of this to be splashed all over the MD forum.It was supposed to be a private moment between myself and Xena.I was quite stunned when i first saw this thread(about a week after the flowers were delivered) and would prefer not to hear much more about it at all
Well what can I add to this never ending thread.. probably not much.. just u guys are great and I hope you find the happiness you both seek (even if it is with others)...

Up The Irons and damn it up this BB :)
