Metal 2016

I get what you mean though. They're supposed to be teasers, but when they start giving away half the album... you lose some of your incentive to actually buy it.
I actually had listened to the whole None But The Brave album by Ironsword before it had even been released and STILL purchased it and listened to the fuck out of it. Hahaha.
haha niice, I mean good stuff is definitely still worth buying. But it's like opening your presents before christmas. Awesome presents are still awesome, but it takes the surprise and suspense out of it.
Yes but I think the fundamental difference is that you're a kid when you bug your parents to let you open presents early. You're an adult when you can't even stop yourself from ruining an album for yourself before it's officially released. ;)
I usually don't give a shit and just bandcamp the fuck out of the album and never buy it because I'm a broke niggah but for the newest Summoning album the whole fucking album leaked months before I managed to only listen to one jam from it and saving the rest to my surprise. It was worth it.
I do 99% of my listening digitally anyway so it's difficult for something to be spoiled like a movie might. I reserve vinyl purchases for the creme of the crop so to speak- and even then it's going to be after several listens to cement it as a personal classic...
