Metal 2016

Cool man, sounds great. Yeah I always love good neoclassical stuff. If you know any others feel free to toss em out there :) I found a good one a while back but I can't recall the name offhand. It's on my iTunes at home, will post later.

Honestly the only other two Shred guitarists I really listen to are Paul Wardingham and Jeff Loomis on top of Stephan. There is one guy whom I'd wish would make a solo album and that's Chris Impellitteri, that guy can fucking shred. But yeah if I come across some I'll let you know. But feel free to hit me up with some besides the obvious ones like Yngwie lol
Honestly the only other two Shred guitarists I really listen to are Paul Wardingham and Jeff Loomis on top of Stephan. There is one guy whom I'd wish would make a solo album and that's Chris Impellitteri, that guy can fucking shred. But yeah if I come across some I'll let you know. But feel free to hit me up with some besides the obvious ones like Yngwie lol

Are you cool with harsh vocals or no?
How's the new D666 in general? I've only listened to one of their newer songs and I'm not convinced whether I should check out the entire album.
I think it's pretty fucking good. I have the song Tamam Shud on repeat in my car. It's a bit different from the rest of the album but most of it is pretty solid.
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So in the news of why the fuck does it exist... Graveyard Classics is now a quadrilogy. SFU will be releasing another one of these abominations next month, this time all Judas Priest and Iron Maiden covers. So apparently people buy these enough to justify making more of them? That's scary really.
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So in the news of why the fuck does it exist... Graveyard Classics is now a quadrilogy. SFU will be releasing another one of these abominations next month, this time all Judas Priest and Iron Maiden covers. So apparently people buy these enough to justify making more of them? That's scary really.

A decent amount of Death Metal bands probably listened to AC/DC and hair bands during the 80's. It does not change the fact that when they cover songs it generally sounds fucking stupid.