Metal Around The World?

Amarantus said:
Here's an idea...

Let's just name every country on the fucking planet!

"Name every country in the fucking planet?!? BRILLIANT!"

Except any African countries.
last time i checked botswana south africa morocco egypt libya madagascar namibia zimbabwe etc are all considered part of africa

unless you mean no true metal could come from that continent except south africa in which case i agree wholeheartedly
Black people can't make metal and in the case of Suffocation it was sort of a reverse Michael Jackson without the kid raping so my statement stands
Décadent said:
You mispelled one of these regions, but I'm not going to tell you which.

Nothing important comes from there so I don't consider it an issue rly
Banned said:
Black people can't make metal and in the case of Suffocation it was sort of a reverse Michael Jackson without the kid raping so my statement stands


I disagree. Mike Smith and Terrance Hobbs are two of the best metal musicians and are not "reverse Michael Jackson". Not many black people are in metal, but that does not mean they can't do it.
sykosami said:
Why does Metal have to have certain boundries and associated with certain countries? It is music, it should be expressed by everyone no matter religion or location.

Indeed, all countries can be metal...
but some countries are more metal than others