Metal bands you wish never broke up

At The Gates, Pantera, Demoniac, Shadow Warriors, Emperor, Guns'n'Roses, Death
The Kirk James Cliff Lars lineup of Metallica
Bathory - If only Quorthon hadn't died
People having different taste to yours is a crazy concept to wrap your head around, I know.

You're right. Britney Spears is as valid as Beethoven, and we should all respect that others like her as much as we like Morbid Angel, even if they're total fucking morons.

Don't drink the kool-aid, dude.
You're right. Britney Spears is as valid as Beethoven, and we should all respect that others like her as much as we like Morbid Angel, even if they're total fucking morons.

Don't drink the kool-aid, dude.

If you frequented the forum a bit more you'd know that Ohiogrinder likes to blurt out something along the lines of "huuuurrfff duuuurrrrffff Cynic are teh suck!!" practically every time their name is mentioned, no matter what the thread. It gets a tad tiresome.
Atheist, At The Gates, Carcass, Cynic, Death (though technically they didn't split up), Nasum (similar to Death). Tons of others I can't think of.
I genuinely can't think of a single one at the moment, every band I love was in decline by the time they split up, or they're still going.