Metal Girlfriends, or not?

If I ever find someone again, I only hope she won't be listening to pop or rnb, cos that drives me insane. She doesn't HAVE to like metal, but I must be allowed to listen to it :p

The girl I posted in the picture thread of the Kata forum was just a very temporary thing, heh.
yeah i have a metal gf ,, i would say it wasnt a need but it does help that she has the same interests
I can't tell anything about metal girlfriends, but I used to have a non-metal boyfriend, and it was quite hard. When I was singing along with Hypocrisy or Thyrfing he thought I got a strong cold or just went crazy. He was shocked! So it's good when people have a common taste in music I guess...
my girlfriend actually has no real interest in music one way or another. i asked her once what her fav band was and she explained that shes never heard any songs that have hit her as being really interesting or good. its funny because music is a huge part of my life. opposites attract eh?
i know its surprising. At least shes honest though and doesnt pose as a metal chick or anything. Shes got her identity and music isnt really a part of it. Though she does still look like shes into alternative music. but thats just how shes comfortable
Juniper said:
Hehe this is indeed very funny to read from a girls perspective.
I agree when people say that you must have more than only your taste of music in common. But for me music is such an important thing in my life.
I listen to music ALL the time and for me there are just so many emotions involved with it that I couldnt stand it if my boyfriend would not feel the same way about the bands and artists that i really really like.
I am a singer myself and so if my bf wouldnt appreciate my music it would crush me...
Of course you dont have to like everything equally as much, but for me there has to be some common ground in music ( as well as other opinions)
I think the reason that you like particulair bands is because you get a certain feeling from it and that's because you have a certain personality and sort of , i don't know, "spirit"...
For instance, a guy that listens to only rap and or the music that's in the charts , and doesnt like f.e. Katatonia because "they're too depressing" could never truelly understand me and my feelings. Not that I'm depressed all the time :p
but still, this darkness is a part of me. Always has been since I was a little girl.
I have always been obsessed with history and just stories and the darker side of life. I want to study history and I love old buildings and well everything that's old - er... except dirty old men .. just to make that clear!-
Im not gothic or whatever and I frankly didnt know anything about the metalscene untill a year ago when my (ex)boyfriend and his friends introduced me too bands like Katatonia, Anathema , Isis and Opeth.(now I still dont listen to the real hard stuff -deathmetal- cuz its just tooo hard for little me :p but I love the melancholic avantgardish things.)
My ex is still a very good friend of mine and just recently we had a conversation about how happy I am that I met him and he showed me that world... Because I just never came across it before... I did listen to rock and stuff and I loved Tool because I saw "Shism" on TV (!) one time and was blown away by the bassline and the creepyness of the song and video. (this only to underline my total unawareness)
Anyways what I am trying to say in this post (wich is almost turning into "my life story" :p) is that for me it just wouldnt do if the guy wouldnt at least like my favorite bands as much as I do because I think than there would be too much of me that he could never truelly understand.

would you marry me? :D im serious.... PM me...
^ I hope we hear good news. :) I am shocked at you who talk about "being allowed" to listen to your music; what kind of love,share,sincerity can that relation bear?! I can not dream of a lover who does not listen to metal, frankly it is one of my criteria (me, the majesty :p ), and I already have a perfect one. And love really has a different timer, it comes just when you don't yearn for it...
i'm with exiled here...

there needs to be common ground, but getting turned on to new stuff is also key...

i seem to be doing well getting my current bf into opeth... he even tolerates bloodbath!

My girlfriend has Eaten playing on her MySpace profile, and I met her at a Morbid Angel show, so you can imagine... :D

It's not a dealbreaker but it's nice to date someone who's at least a little into metal. It's a pretty obnoxious form of music to most people who aren't, so not having to curb my tastes is excellent. I tend to be more attractive to girls who like metal anyways, so it works out... I mean, try finding danceclub girls who dig guys in leather jackets with long hair.
PhlegethonVeins said:
Growls = hot in bed.

Quoted for F'ing truth! mY ex went crazy when I growled in bed. She even commanded me to growl the whole time haha.
Well, whatever works for them...