Metal in your town

My father told me the fjord in Acadia National Park was the only one in North America, but he may have meant the East Coast. Still, Maine resembles Norway much more than most parts of the country.
haha I just wikied fjord and apparently the definition changes by location :loco:

yeah, Acadia is pretty Norwayish. I think our Pacific Coast coupled with the Cascade range is a bit reminiscent as well.

I just hate the hella cold rainy days in spring and fall... and summer
im pretty sure im the only person that knows extreme metal exists in my town, sept a few of my friends. we're startin up a band, we suck pretty bad now but we're learnin.
I live in Tucson, Arizona. I don't think there are any noteworthy metal bands from around here. There seem to be lot of metal fans judging from the attendance at the one metal show I've been to over here (though I've been to many shows in Phoenix). There is an NSBM band from here called Pantheon, but they're not good. There used to be a pretty well-known thrash metal band from over here back in the 80s. I don't remember what they were called but I bet Necuratul knows about them.

Most of the metal fans I've met here in Arizona are shit and I feel like I can't relate to these people. I only know of one guy who has really good taste in black metal and we're recording some black metal stuff right now. I'm also starting a death metal band. Hopefully I can give a good name to this piece of shit Arizona metal scene.
Unless you're from Europe/Canada/AUS, or the bay areas, I tend to point out AZ's scene is cool stuff.

It's mostly grind and black metal out here. Although the grind isn't all like JFAC, and the black metal isn't all like the NWOUSBM. There are some death bands, but thrash unfortunately isn't as popular...

We have a thing called the "Deathfest" every year that people fly out to see because its so awesome. We get some pretty big bands, like Deicide last year. Held at our infamous underground store, aptly named "Metal Devastation". Metal's generally a big thing here.

Some of my favorite bands to come out have been Rosco and Abigail Williams (R.I.P.). Vehemence was great too.
We have a thing called the "Deathfest" every year that people fly out to see because its so awesome. We get some pretty big bands, like Deicide last year. Held at our infamous underground store, aptly named "Metal Devastation". Metal's generally a big thing here.

I kick it at Metal Devastation quite often. They have tons of awesome stuff over there at the one on Bell and 29th Street now. The deathfest is about the only noteworthy thing about the Arizona metal scene in my opinion. And that's all because of Gerardo, the dude who owns Metal Devastation. He says his shows don't get very good turn outs anymore though because the only way you can get a lot of people to come to shows these days is if you have some metalcore faggot bands playing.
As far as I know the Maine metal scene is non-existant. Given the geography (only fjord in North America), one would think there would be some sort of black metal scene, but it's likely I'm the only metalhead within a 30-mile radius.
I always assume when people say stuff like this and they aren't from the middle of nowhere that they just aren't in touch with the local scene. I mean, I live in Manitoba (same population as Maine spread out over an area like seven times bigger) and I have the option of going to at least two metal shows a month. If I went to every metal/hardcore/metalcore/etc. show I'd be going to a couple shows a week most weeks, and that's just local stuff. We have an annual metalfest, grindfest, arsonfest (hardcore) and bands from around the region (Canada/northern USA) come through all the time as well. I don't think our scene is that special, as we're hardly some global epicenter of metal.

Biggest metal band here right now is Electro Quarterstaff, after that probably Putrescence, then you got some of melodic death, grind, tons of hardcore and metalcore, etc. Nothing mind blowing but enough to go have fun at a show now and then.
Manila, Philippines

Metal Scene is quite promising here, lots of talented bands are emerging, mostly Death and Thrash Metal But still, metalheads here are just some 1% of the population...while emo gaytards are soaring high and flooding the malls, schools, churches, parks, etc.

Ok, decent bands in Manila....

Death by Stereo
Sultan of Snap
End this Day
Mortal Grudge
Blasphemous Cremation
Descant Gott
End of Man
Faster than Satan
Genital Grinder
Loss of Control
Mass Defect
Sea of Rains
Archaic Argot
Lets see in this geographic area some of the band would be;

Dimmu Borgir
Nocturnal Breed
She Said Destroy
Madder Mortem
bah too long list really....

Reason why i choose area and not town is that i dont live in a town, i live on a farm :p

And even if it might look like Norway, you aint got many Norwegians there :p so it doesn't matter *lol*
and of course i dont really like every band on this list but its just to give you a general idea
Lets see in this geographic area some of the band would be;

Dimmu Borgir
Nocturnal Breed
She Said Destroy
Madder Mortem
bah too long list really....

go ahead and kick me in the face why don't you
go ahead and kick me in the face why don't you

*gently kicks Attilio*

Oslo sucks anyhow so your not missing out on anything special, in adition those huge names rearly plays concerts here ;)
But there is two good concerts comming up now, Dimmu + Amon Amarath and Gorgoroth + Shining so that im looking forward to :kickass:
Unfortunately the hardcore and metalcore scene seems to have the bulk of the popularity in my area. Its probably because there are some great death/thrash bands around but there are no new ones, so people get bored.

Best bands by far are Stargazer, Mournful Congregation and Tzun Tzu!
As far as I know the Maine metal scene is non-existant. Given the geography (only fjord in North America), one would think there would be some sort of black metal scene, but it's likely I'm the only metalhead within a 30-mile radius.
I know a people in my town that listen to metal, but no bands.
For a amazingly small and unheard of area in my county in Ireland we have a pretty damn good scene.
Theres only 2 bands that could play death metal, but theres loads of of just pure heavy metal ones.
Plus theres lots of fans.
I got into death metal by finding local people who were into it.
No big bands to be named though.
in colorado springs the scene is pretty good. we have a couple good DM bands (try redemption, hells eden, fleshgrind), a emperor type BM band (recondite), and we also get some small tours come to the black sheep (like terror/all shall perish, mastodon/MOTA)

and hopefully when i get back, hopefully i can find some bandmates to start a prog/post BM band or a doom band. or even better, a VIKING metal band.

not to mention denver bands sometimes make it down