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I am a dipshit, Grimace is a respected member of this board by most people.

grimace is a fucking idiot. go listen to your bullshit ani difranco ass shit faggot.

Respected? Are you kidding? He's here to make us laugh. That's it really.

edit: Oh, and talk about sports. :rolleyes:

But if you take seriously anything Grimace ever says, EVER, then you fail the forum.

Metal has nothing to prove to Teh Grimace

Say Hello To Mr Fist

If you wear short hair you better beware
This is metal warfare
I'll make you bleed that's what I need

I gonna crush your jaw just because I'm raw
Learn the metal law

Your legs I will chop
If you listen to pop

Say hello to Mr.Fist in your face

In a bed you will lie in the mirror you cry
You could as well die

Your face I fuckin' broke
I'll laugh till I choke

Say hello to Mr.Fist in your face

krig is angry cos hes fat so he doesnt get any sex and therefore = :mad:

susperia laughs because she rarely understands what's really going on.

the other two haven't been here or known me long enough to have an opinion that matters.


not that most people here do respect me. but i'm aware of the fact that most of them are mostly ignorant about most things, so i don't bother trying gain their respect. if i troll good and get lawlz, i'm happy.

if i tried to have the kind of deep conversation i have with my IRL friends with most of the apes here... it would be more one-way than a "conversation"... but there are the rare few enlightened people around here, and i'd say they very much respect me.
i've been here 2x as long. but the point is compared to krigloch and susperia, you're still a n00b, and that's all i'm saying. compared to krig i'm a n00b. but he's still a fat asshole so :D .

Say Hello To Mr Fist

If you wear short hair you better beware
This is metal warfare
I'll make you bleed that's what I need

I gonna crush your jaw just because I'm raw
Learn the metal law

Your legs I will chop
If you listen to pop

Say hello to Mr.Fist in your face

In a bed you will lie in the mirror you cry
You could as well die

Your face I fuckin' broke
I'll laugh till I choke

Say hello to Mr.Fist in your face

hahaha! Where the hell is that from? :lol:
I don't think all death metal lyrics suck, Nile's are good, Morbid Angel's are good at times despite being short in nature. Emperor's are good, but reading through the Anthems booklet and seeing the word "fucking" in there shocked me, I thought the music was too majestic, symphonic, whatever for fuck to be in there but you can't hear it anyways so it's not like it matters.
it's not the "fuck" that's the problem with cursing in lyrics, it's that people who tend to curse too much in real life do it to patch up an extremely limited vocabulary, and those aren't ideal credentials for a lyricist.

whereas someone like Nick Cave or Will Oldham curses with fair regularity (Cave more often than that and both of them more in a live setting) as a way to bring their lyrics back from any too-lofty poetic brink and give them a more personal, casual appeal.
Nevermore-I Voyager

"In observation
I analyze
All the aspects of humanity
That I despise"

I dont see how you cant like lyrics about hating your fellow man.
it's not the "fuck" that's the problem with cursing in lyrics, it's that people who tend to curse too much in real life do it to patch up an extremely limited vocabulary, and those aren't ideal credentials for a lyricist

Fucking true. I swear a lot in real life, but I have yet to swear in any of my lyrics. To me it loses a poetic feel with crude language.
too many people, MOST people actually, are horrifically wrong in their belief that it's the suject matter or the amount of words or what words are used that defines the quality of lyrics. this is quite a hole-filled, ham-fisted, childish process of appreciation.

how "good" lyrics are has nothing to do with what they're about. well, it's like 10% what they're about, only in that if a really terrible lyricist bases their lyrics off of a really good movie, the overall product might still be tolerable.

"good" lyrics are, IMHO, about two things:

1. tell me something or tell me nothing. or both. just make up your mind.

i can't stand lyrics that try to sound like they're discussing something really deep but in OBVIOUS reality aren't about anything interesting in particular because there's just not enough, as Tom Waits would put it, "real junk", proper nouns and the like, to make me believe it's based off of something i or anyone else should care about.

the "good"ness of lyrics, and of music (and art) in general, can only really be judged by the standard of "does it accomplish what it sets out to do? if yes, it's good, if no, not." how good something is is based on how lofty or refined of a goal they've set. if you set out to make girlpop, then at it's best the product couldn't be as "good" as, say, a well-executed improvisational jazz record, unless, of course it's more well-executed.

so, if you're trying to tell something deep, i better get the message. if you're trying to say something deep but you don't care if anyone gets the point, but i can figure out what the point is anyway because it's not actually deep at all, it fails. if you're trying to say something simple and obvious and your own pretentious shit gets in the way of the message, you fail. if your lyrics aren't about anything but we're supposed to believe that they're about something, but it's obvious that they're not, you fail.

2. good rhyming or no rhyming.

if i see a rhyme coming, all of them, over and over, it fails. unless the point is for the stuff in between the rhymes to be good, and for the rhymes to be simple to facilitate that. in which case the stuff in between better be real good. if i am not, at least once, impressed by an unusual rhyme or phrase, if every "rhyme" is an actual rhyme, like how "bone" and "cone" rhyme as opposed to making "usual" and "refusal" or "resting" and "blessing" rhyme somehow, you generally FAIL. the rhymes better justify their own existance by being good. or they don't need to be there.

these aren't absolutes nor my complete list of criteria. but those are the two general rules that apply to all styles, excepting those styles that specifically, conciously oppose them.
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