

New Metal Member
May 25, 2002
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It makes me wonder, why it is, that there´s barely any girls out there being into metal respectively "living" it on the outside too..

Is it maybe because they have a smaller potential as far as aggressions are concerned and because they´re too mature to wander the streets of whatever place they live in- all wrapped in black, with a sinister look on their face like plenty of their male colleagues do ?

I´m from Austria, where (underground) metal is very popular- but still you hardly get to see any metal heads round here- especially not female ones. (i´m not talking about those jeans-black leather-metal figures though)

My girl, who lives in the states (and is soon gonna be joined by myself for good) -pretty much likes metal- oldschool though- but i respect that of course even though i´m not very much into oldschool but underground.

however- i´d very much like some input on that- -Mart..
It makes me wonder, why it is, that there´s barely any girls out there being into metal respectively "living" it on the outside too..

bro where ya been? heheh... trust me they are out there. I once thought the same thing you are now but then after going to a few underground shows I started seeing the same people there and eventually we started meeting at shows. And the girls I met are metal through and through. The last show we met at(manowar) was one of the best shows yet. Anyway hope that helps.

i guess it depends on where you are, where i am from (leeds in england) there are loads of girls being and looking very metal indeed .. my girl is very metal, although she has her times for work where she is "smart casual", on a friday night she is usually dressed rather sexily and fully feminine, which of course is great as well, as she is a work of art .. but then she can look as metal as most, and she is into everything from vision of disorder, boy sets fire, to gorgoroth, cryptopsy, setherial, cave in, opeth and more .. so she knows her stuff

they are out there mate, dont worry :)
"vision of disorder, boy sets fire, to gorgoroth, cryptopsy, setherial, cave in, opeth and more " - Sounds like a woman of exceptional taste!
I guess it's just less practical for women to go about looking metal all the time - but even guys have to cover it up sometimes. I've got a mate who works for the Inland Revenue service by day, and he's a spiked-armlet wearing, beer-gut cultivating, Cradle Of Filth shirt-sporting rocker by night!
Oh yeah, Paul - I'm working on making myself a signature image for Raw Nerve like the one I've currently got for UM. :)
I'm a metal chick. I don't dress metal all the time though, it gets to be a hassel. I do dress the part when I go to shows. When I'm not at work, I usually wear metal bands' t-shirts, but I don't walk around the house with spikes on.
hi there stoner sioux ..
aye thats pretty much it , i mean i dont look particularly metal right now ,,
hair all fuzzy, in loose trousers that arent jeans or leathers (not that i wear leathers) .. i am wearing a battered up at the gates shirt, but thats it, i dont feel particularly metal either, but when i go out then its different ..

hey dill ,, well, you can get a good start when you submit lots of art/ writing/ reviews etc to raw nerve, hopefully it will be a push in the right direction for you and help you get noticed!! :) .
The only people that can usually get away with that are teenagers still in school.

Once you get a real job, and have to deal with real life, dressing the "stoner" or "metal dude/chick" look is not always appropriate...

Sure when I was a kid... huge stoner bell bottoms, biker boots, my harley primary chain belt, and my Ozzy and Judas Priest shirts were worn everyday...

Now I just wear boots, jeans and equipment tees (Jackson guitars, Mesa amps, Warwick basses, etc...)

And I'll only get the hardcore shirts when I'm playing or attending a show...

That's just called "real life", I think...
I've just got back from work (I'm a barman) and I'm wearing a black short-sleeved workshirt with military logos, combat trousers, a necklace with a spirally spiky type thing on it, various multicoloured bangles, half my forearm's covered in spikes and I've got a Slayer baseball cap on.
How metal is that for a quarter to two in the morning? \m/:D\m/
there are plenty of metal girls out there..we're just in hiding! i love metal, all types, but you'd never guess by looking at me that i love cannibal corpse, cryptopsy, cradle, etc. i'm sure there are tons of girl metal heads, and i would personally dress goth if i could but come on..i have dark olive toned skin...colors just look better on me! i only go all black for concerts!
Yeah, the girls I usually meet at metal shows are usually there to see a friends band...

The "metal girls" that are usually at the shows are usually going out with the guys in the bands... heh

And this is in the Bay Area... were a lot of metal got it's start. :guh:
Hey, you guys are to concered about dress. Its not they way you look which determines if u like metal or not. its all in the heart, in your soul. music is a form of expression just as painting, yes clothing does play a minor bit, but music is just the way you feel when you listen to it.
however do most of you dress gothicy?
I wear spikes around the house
but I am a guy
no not really,but I don't see many metal girls,and this is a fucking big city.I mostly see goth girls and preppy girls
I don't really like metal chicks... At least not the ones that dress all "metal". Not a very attractive style of dress...

Plus, I like it when we have different tastes in things, music being one of those things.