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Whenever I hear that one thing or another is imperative to engendering a "healthy society" I think of anti-gay marriage legislation and general intolerance and ignorance. I don't think this is an entirely unfounded connection, as the aims of those making these suggestions are in both cases aimed at silencing and controlling some aspect of the groups they target.
I hardly feel that the immediate availability of every piece of art ever created is essential to creating a cultural discourse.

It's essential to any complete one.

I also don't feel that this unlimited availability would necessarily lead to a "healthier society." We are not discussing the role of popular media and capitalist practices, we are discussing an artist's right to control his own property. And access to everything in the world is restricted to those who can afford to do so.

Why do you constantly use "this is how things are" as if it's a substitute for a real argument?

Whenever I hear that one thing or another is imperative to engendering a "healthy society" I think of anti-gay marriage legislation and general intolerance and ignorance. I don't think this is an entirely unfounded connection, as the aims of those making these suggestions are in both cases aimed at silencing and controlling some aspect of the groups they target.

Oh please.
Why do you constantly use "this is how things are" as if it's a substitute for a real argument?

I am not speaking of an artist's rights as they are now, I am speaking of them in terms of how they should be. Artists SHOULD have protection over their property regardless of whether or not they currently do.
Okay... but when you make a comparison that has such pejorative implications and no real point stems from it it seems like you're just being inflammatory for the sake of it.

edit: Fuck off (M)aggoT.
I've explained the point, if you want to ignore it you're quite welcome :loco:

I will agree that the original post did focus more on the pejorative aspect than the actual similarity in language. For this, I offer the reasons that a) I'm studying for an exam and b) I'm hung over and my mind is not at 100% today
yes these are exactly the same, wtg

i'd go into how art is an essential item of our culture and it seems ridiculous to deny access to culture in a manner that harms nobody simply because no money is being changed hands; that the dissemination of and response to cultural items is far more important than the ability of someone to profit from it, but i think you're too dense to appreciate that.

edit: most music does not suck nowadays, at least not any moreso than back then.

edit2: everything metallica did except for 'kill em all' is underwhelming at best

I agree
This is a really stupid argument and I feel as if it should be closed...the Metallica thing has been argued and ruminated upon forever. Give me the word and I'll shut it down.
I like Metallica's first few albums but not their new stuff. It annoys me when people tell that Metallica is shit when their old stuff is so great, but in the end its just opinions.
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