The Lovecraftian Batman
black album was okay...first four were great but not earth-shattering, Ride the Lightning is imo their best
yes these are exactly the same, wtg
i'd go into how art is an essential item of our culture and it seems ridiculous to deny access to culture in a manner that harms nobody simply because no money is being changed hands; that the dissemination of and response to cultural items is far more important than the ability of someone to profit from it, but i think you're too dense to appreciate that.
edit: most music does not suck nowadays, at least not any moreso than back then.
edit2: everything metallica did except for 'kill em all' is underwhelming at best
which is funny since its their least original album of the first four
you must have been hit with a stupid stick (the ugly stick's best friend)
lol, yet another proof that originality always loses out to integrity, vitality and passion
i'd go into how art is an essential item of our culture and it seems ridiculous to deny access to culture in a manner that harms nobody simply because no money is being changed hands; that the dissemination of and response to cultural items is far more important than the ability of someone to profit from it, but i think you're too dense to appreciate that.
Well, let's just say it sucks major ass to be you. gl w/that
edit: to the greys
I don't see how that justifies you not liking an good album. It's like saying "I'll never listen to another Judas Priest album because everytime I do I think about Halford and how he sucks cock."
haha i've never heard a more tedious spew of rhetoric on this subject. and all the same, it does nothing to take anything away from the legitimacy of artists who don't want their work downloaded for free.
2. Anyone with half a brain knows that Metallica's first four albums are godly.
yeah seriously, how dumb could you possibly get?
would you feel comfortable walking into an art gallery where a sign clearly prohibited photography or video and capturing all those cultural artifacts without any loss to the creators and progenitors of the exhibits? would you give this same nonsense rant to the security guard as he detained you and called the police?
so you're not only an idiot, but an idiot who won't stand up for the bullshit he says?![]()