Metallica - One


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
I heard them play it on a local mainstream rock station today. I noticed that it is likely the most popular mainstream rock radio song with distinct double-bass drumming.
just remarking on how little publicity metal gets on the radio. I would love there to be an all-metal radio station on FM radio (though they'd probably play metalcore 86% of the time).
Excuse me for having a real, educated opinion. Radio over the air only cares about what is popular,and there will never be enough people in one city to have an extreme radio staion, period. Satellite radio isn't much better. They do some cool stuff but mostly hire people who have no idea what is good, underground, or what would get subscribers listening. Same problem with music TV. Ain't never gon' happen, paw.
I cant say i love the video thouh. Not coz its bad, but it makes me feel sinisterly.
But the lyrics and other is just great. Probably one of the saddest songs in the world.
ender I think you have to stop biting on Amarantus's trolls it just eggs him on.

As for the topic, I think that it is in a way good that metal, especially extreme is underground, because you can see how much of a big deal "concerned parents" make about rap lyrics, imagine what they'd do if they heard death, black, or goregrind lyrics.
ender7227 said:
Excuse me for having a real, educated opinion. Radio over the air only cares about what is popular,and there will never be enough people in one city to have an extreme radio staion, period. Satellite radio isn't much better. They do some cool stuff but mostly hire people who have no idea what is good, underground, or what would get subscribers listening. Same problem with music TV. Ain't never gon' happen, paw.

My city has a relatively low proportion of metalheads compared to other cities and a local station plays an hour or two of decent death metal each friday. Your point = null.
Banned said:
My city has a relatively low proportion of metalheads compared to other cities and a local station plays an hour or two of decent death metal each friday. Your point = null.

i don't think there's a single station here in Boston that plays any extreme metal at any time.
Banned said:
My city has a relatively low proportion of metalheads compared to other cities and a local station plays an hour or two of decent death metal each friday. Your point = null.
I live in DFW, one of the hugest markets around, and we have no real rock station, just an alt-rock that plays Metallica and GNR every once in a while. Every city is different and I did make an overly sweeping generalization, but the fact remains, true metal has no place on the radio, the public won't listen. There are a few exceptions but not enough to completely make my point null at all.
Zephyrus said:
I heard them play it on a local mainstream rock station today. I noticed that it is likely the most popular mainstream rock radio song with distinct double-bass drumming.

Any White Zombie song that gets radio airplay also has distinct double-bass. Add a few Tool, Judas Priest, and Rainbow songs to that list.
Though they don't get radio airplay ever, I always thought it was strange that Ned's Atomic Dust Bin used a lot of double bass drumming, seeing as they were happy and flowery indie pop.
One is a wicked song
they played it before opeth came on and i was like fuck yeh