Mid-Week Mayhem News- The Torch is Passed...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
It's been a fun few years, but it's time for me to step back and focus on the main festival. Change is inevitable.

The Mid-Week Mayhem will continue on as a yearly tradition without me. I am happy to announce that Swordlord Productions & Intromental Management will take over the reins in a joint production of the night's festivities. Expect more news in the immediate future.

Congrats to Nathan & Claus. I know you both will do an outstanding job.
Hello everyone,

I just want to publicly thank Glenn for his willingness to let me plan the Wednesday night festivus. And I also want to publicly thank Claus for partnering up with me for what is going to be a very memorable evening of music. I am looking forward to working with him and we are planning an evening of music that will not soon be forgotten!

Although I am dying to post who the chosen headliner is, I am unable to do that just yet. The agent has asked me to hold off on the formal announcement for now. However, let me just say, I am beyond excited to share with you what will be a LANDMARK evening in ProgPower music history and it will be a show that will more than likely never happen again. So make plans now - you will want to be there.

As some of you on this forum can attest to (MetalMilitia, BlackRoseMetalHeart, DemonoftheWoods), I have put tons of blood, sweat, heart, soul, tears and ca$h into special metal events here in Minnesota where I reside. Unfortunately the market here is just too small and the area too remote to support some of the truly remarkable shows I've had the privilege to book and promote. I am looking forward for this as an opportunity to finally be able to present some of my favorite bands and acts to an audience that can appreciate them and will show up. To have this opportunity is a truly wonderful gift. I look forward to becoming a small branch on the great ProgPower oak tree! :worship:

Thank you Glenn and thank you Claus and thanks to everyone who is reading this post! I'll see you all in September!

Nathan Block
"The SwordLord"
SwordLord Productions, Inc.
I am looking forward to what they will pull out of the hat for this year. I know they won't disappoint.
I'm coming over from the UK for the main event - is it worth coming a few days earlier? What has been put on for entertainment on the Wednesday and Thursday then?? i cannot find anything on the website to say what happened this and last year (without 'serious' digging!)

Cheers guys!

I'm coming over from the UK for the main event - is it worth coming a few days earlier? What has been put on for entertainment on the Wednesday and Thursday then?? i cannot find anything on the website to say what happened this and last year (without 'serious' digging!)

Cheers guys!



Thursday- Primal Fear, Enchant, Susypre, Future's End
Wed- Circus Maximus, Mindcrime Tribute Band (with special guest Pamela Moore), Live Queensryche karaoke
Cant wait to hear who the headliner is or any band playing really

im hoping for a very surprising act :OMG:

hopefully the announcement is soon!:headbang:

Thursday- Primal Fear, Enchant, Susypre, Future's End
Wed- Circus Maximus, Mindcrime Tribute Band (with special guest Pamela Moore), Live Queensryche karaoke

Thanks and wow! If that's the warm up nights and it's as good as then I'm coming over on the Tuesday! Saw Primal fear and Circus Maximus a few weeks ago at JB's Dudley, they were both brilliant but with PF you just cant stop smiling after!
This is great news for everyone concerned I think. Frees Glenn up a little to maybe catch his breath once or twice leading up to the festival - and all the folks involved are HUGE paragons of metallic virtue. I am looking forward to this. Good thing i have become acclimated to getting down there on Tuesdays :) Get my wild night out of the way in advance (Hush Su, no comments frmo teh peanut gallery lol).

Congrats to all:headbang: