PP USA XII: Mid-Week Mayhem & Kick-Off news


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I am a control freak when it comes to this festival.

Shocking secret eh?

As most of you know, I have stepped in a few times over the years to pull something off because *I* want something to happen. The two most obvious examples are when I took the Kick-Off and booked the Hellish Rock Tour and when I took the Mid-Week Mayhem upstairs with the Circus Maximus/Mindcrime tribute show.

I plan on stepping in again next year...

First, I will take exclusive control of the Mid-Week Mayhem. I want to thank Nathan, Claus, & Hoyt for all of their efforts this past year. I think they did a fine job and would have no problem with them taking care of things in 2012 if they wish to return.

Second, I will be stepping into a co-promoter role with Shane for the Kick-Off. We are both contributing equally to what we believe will continue the ProgPower USA tradition of special shows. I can honestly say that we haven't done anything like this before.

Details will be announced soon.
As long as we're dreaming...

Sentence gets stuck in customs. Ark plays twice as long!


"Excuse me sir, I am afraid we can't let you in the country. We suspect you're providing us with false documentation about the band. Based on our research, the band Sentenced died a few years ago. We're afraid we're going to have to take you into custody, and send you back to your country."
As long as we're dreaming...

Sentence gets stuck in customs. Ark plays twice as long!

Sentenced is pretty much out due to Miika's death last year. But if it were possible, this would suck ass. Ark would probably only be interesting for one set, if that. Two see a twice-as-long set from them.....:yuk:
Glenn did recently talk about his Allen/Lande boner and how he's committed to eventually make it happen...

...I'd buy tickets the day it was announced if that was true, but I doubt it.
Glenn did recently talk about his Allen/Lande boner and how he's committed to eventually make it happen...

...I'd buy tickets the day it was announced if that was true, but I doubt it.

Me too. The Kick-Off has a much lower budget and I can't even get them to the main damn thing at the moment.
There's been rumblings of a few Ulver US dates, so since Garm will have his visa...maybe something to do with him doing a special set with Arcturus. Not sure if that's enough to warrant them playing two days but I'd definitely be stoked.