Mid-Week Mayhem - Question on Start Time


Madness Reigns
Mar 23, 2006
I am printing out event schedules, MARTA info, lunch details, etc. for next weekend. I noticed that the Krucible set is not listed in the information on the “Events” page for Mid-Week Mayhem.

With this additional set, is the timing still doors at 6:00, event at 7:00? I definitely don't want to miss out on ANY of the mayhem! :kickass:

Thanks - didn't want to miss anything!!

Now I just gotta hope that U.S. Airways cooperates and gets me to Atlanta reasonably on time. :ill:
I'm coming in on US Airways from Phoenix that same day. What time is your flight?

The flight leaves at about 9:00 a.m. and gets into Atlanta at 3:46. We'll have to track each other down at the Phx airport if you are on the same one!