Mikael Akerfeldt, Pencil Portrait


Instigator of Awsomeness
Jul 8, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
If any of you have been in my other thread i made, you would have seen that i was posting up work in progress pictures of a pencil portrait i was doing of Mikael.

It is now finally finished, i'm still not happy with it, but i'm too picky! haha!
Enjoy! And thank's to everyone for their support, i hope you all like it

(Picture is 168kb)

You live in Melbourne, eh? I gotta commission you to do some cover art when the time comes :lol:

That's some really good work. The only thing I can criticize is the eyes seeming to not match up, but aside from that it's amazing.
Moonlapse said:
You live in Melbourne, eh? I gotta commission you to do some cover art when the time comes :lol:
Hey, another Melbournite, excellent, i thought we were a dying breed haha!
Sure thing about the cover art, i'd love to! I'm currently doing an Advanced Diploma in Multimedia Design Tafe course, so i should be able to do some work for you!

Thank's everyone so far also for the great comments. I hope Mike would be proud of it!
Moonlapse said:
Just wondering, where abouts in Melb do you live? I'm up in the northern suburbs.
In a small area called McKinnon, it borders on with Bentleigh =)
And by the way, i've heard some of the opeth recordings you've done, you're sensational man!
I play guitar also, about 6 years or so now.. wish i could record stuff at good quality as you do
Yeah that's some excellent work there mate. So quick to, I was expecting months of work. You did it in no time. Well done!

Just so I can pretend to be as cool as you guys, I'm from Hobart and my girlfriend lives in Melbourne so I'm there quite often. Although I'm not from Melbourne officially, I can still pass as being an Aussie. ;)

Good to see this board has a few of em.
Phreek_23 said:
In a small area called McKinnon, it borders on with Bentleigh =)
And by the way, i've heard some of the opeth recordings you've done, you're sensational man!
I play guitar also, about 6 years or so now.. wish i could record stuff at good quality as you do

Can't say I've ever heard of those areas. Probably a fair way out from here.

Thanks for the comments man, they're appreciated.

Did you apply for the cover-contest Opeth were running? If so, I'm surprised you didn't win it. Keep drawing, you've got a killer talent.
Awesome ! I can't believe you actually did that in just few hours.
Only two things that bothered me... As Moonlapse stated before, the eyes
doesn't seem to match and he looks a little too chubby.

Other than that it's a 10.