Mikael and Bloodbath


Oct 19, 2004
Knowing that Mikael is not satanic/anti-christian....what's up with the new bloodbath album? Its vehemently anti-christian. Is this supposed to be just tongue-in-cheek death mental drivel...or is this outright hatred? Without getting into a religious discussion, the lyrics to mock the cross are just plain mean. What do the rest of you think?
he's not satanic but, as far as I know, he is antichristian... or at least, he's against the whole christian concept, as he said time ago on a metal injection interview.
"the lyrics to mock the cross are just plain mean"

Death Metal mean and aggressive? Who knew... Perhaps 1N F1@m3Z is more to your liking.
Opeth's lyrics are not anti-christian...but they're dark.
And there's no need to be rude. I was just asking a question. And I'm not a noob.
So are you new to Bloodbath? This really isnt their first use of antichristian sentiments. Or did you miss the part where they compared christianity to a cancer of the soul and christians as mongers of the greatest lie on previous works?
I'm not really a fan of bloodbath per se, but I enjoy opeth quite a bit. Mikael's lyrics with opeth are very intelligent. I guess I just don't get all the gore/anti-christian stuff in bloodbath. Is it meant to be taken seriously or all in "good fun"?
Is it meant to be taken seriously or all in "good fun"?

that's up to you. I like gore and antichristian lyrics, do I take them seriously? not really... I will not blast virginborns, but I like the idea.

anyways, if you're one of those mike-fan-boys, you should go to the opeth forums since here we talk more about the katatonia guys, bloodbath is a five piece band so, if you wanna talk about mikemikemikemike, some of us will probably flame you pretty quickly :lol: welcome to the bloodbath forums!
I'm not really a fan of bloodbath per se, but I enjoy opeth quite a bit. Mikael's lyrics with opeth are very intelligent. I guess I just don't get all the gore/anti-christian stuff in bloodbath. Is it meant to be taken seriously or all in "good fun"?

It's pretty ironic calling anti-christian lyrics unintelligent as the entire christian religion (or any religion for that matter) is insanely unintelligent...
IIRC, mike doesnt write most of the bloodbath lyrics if that's what you're thinking. On this album at least, I think the lyrics are extremely well written. On previous albums... they are funny. Don't confuse evil with unintelligent.
Bloodbath is emulating old school death metal, which, if you haven't noticed, is pretty anti-christian. I did find the old Bloodbath gore lyrics a little better, but I'm more than satisfied with the new ones ("I am above the sun" always gives me chills).
IIRC, mike doesnt write most of the bloodbath lyrics if that's what you're thinking. On this album at least, I think the lyrics are extremely well written. On previous albums... they are funny. Don't confuse evil with unintelligent.

Don't confuse Anti-Christian with evil...