Mikael quits Bloodbath and I quit Mikael!

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If he doesn't want to do growls anymore than he needs to fucking end Opeth and call his band something else. Opeth has been doing metal since the first record and if he does not want that anymore he should end Opeth and call it something like Camel 2.

i honestly havent even really listened to the new opeth, heard it once, didnt stick out to me. i was hoping opeth without the growls would be something new, and something id never heard before, or a new style. but honestly it is just opeth without the growls. damnation did it right, as it was all somber. heritage is just new opeth without metal. why would i want to listen to_less_

i think it is better to leave on a high note, rather than drag your band through the mud for 20 years.

it is like metallica really, load, reload, and the black album, are decent albums (heresy!). but they are shit metallica albums. had it been a side project and we had to wait 20 years for a new metallica album (death magnetic), i think people would have responded better. (i actually like death magnetic)
First of all, Mike doesn't owe anyone anything. You supported his music, and you got the albums you presumably enjoy for your money. That's as far as that exchange goes, it doesn't make him your creative slave. As far as him not starting Opeth...sure, however he was the main drive of the band in its entirety, certainly involving any recorded material. He has every right to release what he wishes under the Opeth moniker.

He certainly didn't sell out. Heritage was amongst the most risky albums that could of been released for them especially under Roadrunner. If you don't like the record, that is of course fine, but I find it disheartening that so many have such strong feelings about it and later state that they have maybe listened to it a few times maximum. When was the last time you were able to get the full feel of an Opeth record on so few listens? Camel 2? Please. There is influence from so many different prog rock bands in there, influence is something every creative release draws on, don't whine just because it comes from places you don't tread frequently enough to fully grab.

This is especially funny coming from a guy who is polishing Borknagars knob for their release of Urd which is an extremely SAFE album for a group of 'advancing musicians' to release.

Subjectively if people don't like the album, this is fine. However if you're using it to fuel some sort of objective argument, you're missing points or suffering from some delusional sense of entitlement.
First of all, Mike doesn't owe anyone anything. You supported his music, and you got the albums you presumably enjoy for your money. That's as far as that exchange goes, it doesn't make him your creative slave. As far as him not starting Opeth...sure, however he was the main drive of the band in its entirety, certainly involving any recorded material. He has every right to release what he wishes under the Opeth moniker.

He certainly didn't sell out. Heritage was amongst the most risky albums that could of been released for them especially under Roadrunner. If you don't like the record, that is of course fine, but I find it disheartening that so many have such strong feelings about it and later state that they have maybe listened to it a few times maximum. When was the last time you were able to get the full feel of an Opeth record on so few listens? Camel 2? Please. There is influence from so many different prog rock bands in there, influence is something every creative release draws on, don't whine just because it comes from places you don't tread frequently enough to fully grab.

This is especially funny coming from a guy who is polishing Borknagars knob for their release of Urd which is an extremely SAFE album for a group of 'advancing musicians' to release.

Subjectively if people don't like the album, this is fine. However if you're using it to fuel some sort of objective argument, you're missing points or suffering from some delusional sense of entitlement.

He has ripped off Camel riffs, especially off the first 3 records. To me Heritage is not very Opethish that's probably why I don't like it much. I don't hear many different prog influences in there, I hear some Camel, Yes and some King Crimson and that's about it. I have 70's prog records, plenty of them. As for Borknagar I merely posted a thread and some reviews I never stated my personal opinion about the record anywhere on that forum.
thats not it though, its not about opeth selling out, its not about them playing it safe, its that they put out a boring ass album :lol:. its less of an album than any of the others were.

im not saying give me still life or give me death, but putting out a simpler album is hardly progressive. and im looking at it objectively, if 70s prog + early swedish death metal = awesome and original, then taking one of those pieces of the "formula" away can only equal something less. damnation was something different, it wasnt opeth without metal, it was splitting their emotions into damnation and deliverance, opposing ideas and contrasting albums.

that being said, i am glad for once we are talking about music, even if it is all opinions. the most important thing for me that was wrong with heritage, was i listened to it, and didnt feel a fucking thing
Exactly Isolation. It's like an alternative music album to me. It does nothing for me at all. The songs are short, the ideas are mediocre at best. It just feels lazy, repetitive, and embarrassing to a certain Opeth fanbase.
thats not it though, its not about opeth selling out, its not about them playing it safe, its that they put out a boring ass album :lol:. its less of an album than any of the others were.

im not saying give me still life or give me death, but putting out a simpler album is hardly progressive. and im looking at it objectively, if 70s prog + early swedish death metal = awesome and original, then taking one of those pieces of the "formula" away can only equal something less. damnation was something different, it wasnt opeth without metal, it was splitting their emotions into damnation and deliverance, opposing ideas and contrasting albums.

that being said, i am glad for once we are talking about music, even if it is all opinions. the most important thing for me that was wrong with heritage, was i listened to it, and didnt feel a fucking thing

All the points touched on in your first paragraph are directed at direct complaints of those originating from others, not you. Altermindeddeath being one of them.

I disagree on your formula stating that taking one away can only equal something less. Yes, I am a fan of eclectic influences coming together as one (obviously). However if that perception were always reality mixed drinks would always have more to offer than fine whiskey, etc. Focusing on one is hardly a bad thing, and as a result Heritage does have more going on in it than Watershed, Orchid, and Damnation. It is not less, it has more structural, layering and whowouldathunkit proggy ideas being used. It is a somber album, just with a different approach than the atpyical down tempo one found on Damnation.

If you personally don't feel anything when you listen to it, then cool beans. However again, that is subjective. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

He has ripped off Camel riffs, especially off the first 3 records. To me Heritage is not very Opethish that's probably why I don't like it much. I don't hear many different prog influences in there, I hear some Camel, Yes and some King Crimson and that's about it. I have 70's prog records, plenty of them. As for Borknagar I merely posted a thread and some reviews I never stated my personal opinion about the record anywhere on that forum.

He ripped off Camel riffs. On Damnation. -_-

There is King Crimson, Yes, Camel, flares of select early Cooper, Gentle Giant, the big JT, etc etc. As far as saying its not very Opethish...really? It emanates with a feel that is extremely Opeth, to the point that many people who don't like it say that it is just opeth without death growls etc. It takes on that 70's prog persona yet still reeks of its creators.

Exactly Isolation. It's like an alternative music album to me. It does nothing for me at all. The songs are short, the ideas are mediocre at best. It just feels lazy, repetitive, and embarrassing to a certain Opeth fanbase.

This is silly. There is a singular 2 minute instrumental, otherwise everything averages at 5-7ish minutes. Lazy would apply more to sticking with the overall formula they have been using for years, riffs, bridges and structures are far less redundant that a large chunk of the bands catalogue, and if you're finding any release by any band embarrassing because you're a fan of some of their earlier material you need to go through some self examination.

It's ok to go off and do a album you want to do that's different, but to say you were just going through the motions the whole time to make fans happy makes me believe the guy is a fake poser. He rips off old Prog bands like Camel riffs, and even going as far as ripping off old song title names. He doesn't even practice the guitar so the guy is not evolving as a musician. He keeps putting out material that is consistently on the same level with no advance. Now what does he want to do? Fuck all his fans that gave his band money in the first place, and to turn his back on that crowd and say fuck you im not with you guys anymore. I might play an old death metal song for you, but otherwise I'd just throw these songs away because Im not a growler anymore. As if those old songs are just disposable memories of a time past.

This sums up your stances on all of this. Nonsensical whining.
Defensive mode :lol: You can use all the big words you want, whine all you want, but its just not every good. its not like oh lets make a simple acoustic album, that should be fun, its like oh lets just cut away a large chunk of our music.

yeah damnation had a song that ripped off one riff on it (he did this frequently), but i didnt feel camel in damnation. it was something on its own.

of course, now im repeating my last post pretty much, which almost none was responded to, andthese are all just words. you cant describe an album to someone and you cant tell someone why they should like it. like i said, ive heard the album, it does nothing for me. you can whine and argue all you like, but you'll never change anyones opinion on music, especially not on the internet :lol:
I'm not, nor had I in this conversations entirety suggested that you or others should like it -_-. I say over and over again that if you don't that is okay. My point seems to be illusive to you. I objectively question openly flawed statements, and disagreed with your formula giving my reasons why. Every single thing in your previous post was responded to silly...heck, in structural order for your convenience. You've got more than this in you.
Heritage took me four or five listens to appreciate fully, but it's a solid album. There are a few tracks I won't go near, (Slither is one of the few Opeth songs I'll skip outright) but Folklore, Famine, I Feel The Dark and The Lines In My Hand are deeply felt and worthy of praise. I don't mind the fact he's moving the band in a different direction, and if this is to be the new Opeth...fine. He gave me nine prog-death albums to fawn over.

Neither do I mind that people don't like Heritage, I don't need other people to validate my appreciation for it. What I can't stand is the incessant whining about it. Comments about how the album is "embarrassing to the fanbase" are just ludicrous and the implication of this is that 1) He owes you a certain standard of work (He doesn't. Simply stated, it's his band. Your interaction is limited to monetary exchange, it doesn't extend to creative control) and 2) That the entire fanbase is embarrassed. Also false, there are plenty of fans who enjoyed Heritage. Again, I DO NOT CARE if you don't like it, that's your prerogative as a listener. I only ask that you keep criticisms within the realm of rational thought :)
I don't mind the fact he's moving the band in a different direction, and if this is to be the new Opeth...fine. He gave me nine prog-death albums to fawn over.

Neither do I mind that people don't like Heritage, I don't need other people to validate my appreciation for it. What I can't stand is the incessant whining about it. Comments about how the album is "embarrassing to the fanbase" are just ludicrous and the implication of this is that 1) He owes you a certain standard of work (He doesn't. Simply stated, it's his band. Your interaction is limited to monetary exchange, it doesn't extend to creative control) and 2) That the entire fanbase is embarrassed. Also false, there are plenty of fans who enjoyed Heritage. Again, I DO NOT CARE if you don't like it, that's your prerogative as a listener. I only ask that you keep criticisms within the realm of rational thought :)

This. The only reason I even threw in my rebuttals was due to the fact people are throwing silly amounts of flak with straight up ridiculous statements at Mike himself, and their reasons being directly tied to Heritage. Tis nothing but a silly fest.
I bet Alteredmindeath would complain about Paradise Lost releasing another album like Host. I for one enjoyed Host and its nice see bands do different things. Wouldn't it get boring hearing the same growls and same style of music from the guy?

As most of you know I used to listen to a band called Disturbed and some other Nu metals bands *awaits a beating* but I have had no problem in David Draiman and I also think the man can write some awesome lyrics. I grew tired of the way he was putting those lyrics across cause he never did mix it up and after hearing him abuse wahkakakaka or whatever it is he does in every single album got annoying. But I was a grown man about it didn't complain about it I just stopped listening to them.

Let me throw in another scenario Jeff Singer was the best drummer for Paradise Lost and he far more talented than Adrian Erlandsson or it might be the slow doom metal elements that Adrian cant get used to. But anyway Jeff chose to leave the band so he could be with his family so I could have went on a rant about him leaving but that would have been rude.

This whole thread :erk:
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