Mikael the comedian

Philly 10/31/05

Mike: So tonights a big night, we're getting fucked up..perhaps also..getting..fucked?

Mike: you have to excuse us, were not dressed up, but we look real funny anyways..we talk funny..

Random Guy: KATATONIA!!!!!
Mike: What about them?...Its weird that people yell totally weird things at our shows..some guy i remember yelling wheres steve wilson??..and i was like yeah,well i keep him in my trunk!
Random Guy:Slipknot!
Mike:yeah, wheres slipknot? we keep em in there...infact we have all bands with us on tour.

Mike:can you take it down a step make it low and longer like...OOOOOOH
Mike: perfect pitch!, you can also take it up a little like ahhhhh
Mike: very good....you feel warmed up?
Us: yea!
Mike:were not gonna play a death metal track its gonna be a ballad.

Mike: and last but not least..the most common, well actually its not just a death metal beath, its the mother of all beats...the 4/4
**Axe**: the gay 4/4
Mike: he wants me to say hes going to play the gay 4/4.

Mike: now the real lesson..its very simple..you probobly know how to do it, you see mendez you see how he does it, thats not the right way..he does it like **shakes head**...we call it the no no bang...the only person who can pull it off is martin mendez..but everybody knows you bang like this!
Ticket for the show $15
Petrol getting there $20
Hearing Mikael say "this is the last song because I need to take a Shit":priceless
somethings you cant buy but for everything else theres Mastercard
Argyle said:
I saw them last summer at Sziget in Hungary.
I don't remember how he got to it, but the story went something like this:

"When I was young, we used to dance to slow songs by the Scorpions to get chicks. But you also have to remember that we used to worship Satan."

And then he started listing demons...

"Satan, the Devil, Beelzebub, Azmodeus, ABBA, Leviathan, Yngwie fuckin' Malmsteen!"

Laughed my ass off.

omfg he did this for our show was my second OPETH expiriance and this time i hope to meet the band :headbang:
Jibrille said:
At Hartford a girl in the front row apparently had a sign that said something like "Mikael, please give me a pick." In between songs when he's doing his bit he's like "hang on" and gives her one, mentions the sign and then says something along the lines of "stuff like that always gets me" so someone yells "Give me your guitar!" so he takes his guitar strap off and holds the guitar just out of the guys reach.
For the encore, he comes out and says they're going to play some more but we have to do something special for him. Which is: Everybody in the crowd each give him $5. He keeps talking and doesn't notice that people actually are throwing money on the stage until Peter sees a dollar and taps Mikael's shoulder. He picks the money that has been tossed up, counts, and says "Now I have 2 million and... 4 dollars." Ended up giving the money to someone in the crowd.

Was some other funny bits but a lot of stuff is repeated at every show ;)

Mike was making jokes all night and reacting to what the audience was shouting, too numerous to mention. What i do remember was this:

For the intro for TGC: He said something like if you guys like mice and satan and tits (etc...) then you may, you just might like this one, the grand conjuration.

Then for the encore because they were pressed for time, he said: The normal rock star kind of thing is for us to walk off stage you guys to shout opeth a bunch of times and for us to come back on stage. but we dont have time for that so we'll just stand here a minute while you guys shout Opeth.
Everyone shouted OPETH OPETH OPETH.
Mike just smiled that said for everyone to shout it in their very high voices.
Everyone did.
Then he said for us to shout it in our very low voices.
Everyone did and he started to rock out like a drunken irishman.
THen he said ok that was fucking retarded. THe they played deliverance as the encore.
The last show I saw he was introducing the MAYH album and some one shouted "When" and Mike goes "1997" it was quite hilarous. He also said that if he drank on stage there would be nudity...:lol: hes a funny guy.
Mike: I'm married, we still have sex...sometimes.

Fan: (yells) Black Rose Immortal!
Mike: Yes, actually thats the next song.
another Fan: Bullshit!
Mike: Yes, that was indeed bullshit.

Mike: If you dont get this question right, there will be a push-up competition between me and Per, and I can go on forever.
The 3rd question of the quiz is, "Is Paul Di'anno a prick? The answer is, I dont fucking know the guy."

Fan: Shout at the devil!
Mike: Are you a Motley Crue fan? I'd rather play Home Sweet Home.

Mike: What would you like to hear, Britney Spears? Sorry I dont know any.

Mike asked for requests and someone shouted out "I hate hip-hop." and Mike smiled at that.

after the show:

Fan: Mike, can i have a pick?
Mike: No sorry, I dont have any, these pants dont have pockets, theyre like girl pants.

Mike also taught us Swedish words for tits, pussy, and fuck. :cool:
first time I saw them, he was tuning his guitar, and it wasn't working, and he was like I AM DUMB!
next time, he talked a lot, and taught us how to sing death metal style.
third time: random guy in the audience goes RAAH! and he tells everyone to do that. then he says- YOU GUYS SOUND LIKE A BUNCH OF GIRLS! and does his demon of the fall growl. w00t!
yeah, also see my sig.
Alright, mine is one of those "you had to be there" kind of moments, but anyway:

Mikael: (in between songs)

Someone From The Crowd: DEMON OF THE FALL!!!

Mikael: I can't play that song with this guitar...

Someone From The Crowd: BURN THE GUITAR!!!

Mikael: Burn this guitar?...
(his tone of voice was hilarious)

By then everyone was laughing, it was great!