
Here's a little taste from our last show.
No way. That place used to be a dump, played there all the time. Now apparently it's a real venue. Might go to that! Would definitely if it were Dordeduh, justdesaying.
Ignoring Fakura Bungit, Velnias is incredible and you are a jackass if you miss them.

I played this show a few hours ago, and the other two bands fucking KILLED it. The first was Iron Maiden worship in the best possible way, the third was THRASHMETALTERROR, we were the second, and the fourth cancelled. I highly recommend checking out Karpe D.M. and Dreadsteed.



Look, we have a YouBoob videonow. In case you didn't know, we're Zod Metal. :Spam:

Also we're playing that Malone's place in Santa Ana mentioned above on August 23rd.

I played a show there once with my noise/jazz/improv/metal/whu band, we went on at midnight, cleared the room in 3 minutes, and spent the rest of our set with the bartender giving us dirty looks. He was the only non-band-member within 200 feet. It was a rockin' good time. My standards are painfully low.
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I'm smiling from ear to ear. I would be laughing out loud if I wasn't at work alongside Rita Reclusa.

I definitely need to catch your act one of these days dear lad, any Pasadena dates on the horizon?
Yeah it's a bit weird sounding. But, considering that it was live recording with everything mic'd within about 5 feet of one another, and the entire affair from load-in, set-up, interview, soundcheck, playing, recording, and mixing was all accomplished in just over an hour, not bad at all! I think they tweaked it a little the next day, but it was a wham/bam/thank/you/ma'am thing. The dudes really liked us. Hopefully we'll do more work with them.

No plans for LA shows anytime soon, but I'm sure it'll happen again. We're doing 1 or 2 shows a month, mostly Berdoo because that's where all the headbangers are, but LA shows are good to get the kids to come out and wonder what the hell all that noise is. I guess. I'm pretty content playing locally for 10 people but they want to get signed and do all that fun stuff. I'm not against any of that, just not actively pursuing it as much as they do. That's my inert bassist mentality. :loco:

EDIT: But, I am definitely along for whatever ride we have in store as a band. I'm dedicated and on board, this is exactly what I need to be doing musically. I'm just lazy about the promotional angle of things. Aside from the occasional post in Mike's Phone Thread at RC.
If you guys ever hit it big I'm taking full responsibility for it due to this thread. It'd be cool to pick up my phone and have Celebra-Nad say "we just played a sold out show 20 minutes ago".
I love how NADs expression never changes.
And how you can't see the drummer.
Best video ever.
If you guys ever hit it big I'm taking full responsibility for it due to this thread. It'd be cool to pick up my phone and have Celebra-Nad say "we just played a sold out show 20 minutes ago".
It's all because of you my friend. I'll totally buy you a car if we become zillionaires. :rock:

I love how NADs expression never changes.
And how you can't see the drummer.
Best video ever.
I am physically incapable of manipulating any facial muscles while playing bass. I can sing and play drums all night long, but I can't even crack a smile whilst plucking upon the instrument where I spend 99% of my playing time. Some weird nerve damage thing. I blame my dad's exposure to Agent Orange back in 'Nam.
Look, we have a YouBoob videonow. In case you didn't know, we're Zod Metal. :Spam:

yo man you spend like $50k yearly on fuzz pedals (conservative estimate) and you work at a place that makes pickups

i think its time to tell your guitarist that his tone SUUUUUUUUCKS