Mike's clean singing in Watershed similar to Maynard's style from Tool?

Cerberus III

New Metal Member
May 14, 2008
Anyone see the similarity?
Maybe it's just me...

I can't stand Tool by the way, used to like them a lot before I hit puberty.
no similiarities what-so-ever. IMO Mikael's clean vocals have become quite breathtaking.
Nope, havent noticed so many similarities.
But what is it that this board has against Tool?! They are freakin' awesome to be honest!
Eh, Tool is full of shit.

And I don't mean striking similarities, I just noticed some of the singing in Hessian Peel sounded a little like the way Maynard would sing it. It sounds good coming from Mike, but god damn Maynard...

The only thing that makes Tool a good band, is Danny Carey.
I think it´s because mikaels vocals are a bit higher this time and melodically unusual in some parts. imo thats what creates this association.
Tool is an awesome band... (their latest release was not my taste, but lateralus and aenima or undertow are brilliant!! )
the thing that pisses me off about tool is they are so full of themselves and think they are the only good band out there.Maynard is a stuck up prick. I cant beleive someone as nice as Alex Grey would work with them
the thing that pisses me off about tool is they are so full of themselves and think they are the only good band out there.Maynard is a stuck up prick. I cant beleive someone as nice as Alex Grey would work with them

They are a bit smug sometimes. I get annoyed at bands that seem to show contempt for their fanbase by making fun of them, which Tool seem to do a lot.

Musically I still think they're great, although Maynard is over-rated as a vocalist.
Tool live is the best performance I've ever seen, over Opeth even. Then again I did see them at the best venue in the country and I enjoy Tool so...

Check out this vid, Tool is amazing with their subject matter and here's why

Anyway, I think Mikes vocals are better in studio. Maynard live sounds like he's in the studio but he's not as good as Mikael. This is probably because Mike is death growling and doing clean vocals.
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the thing that pisses me off about tool is they are so full of themselves and think they are the only good band out there.Maynard is a stuck up prick. I cant beleive someone as nice as Alex Grey would work with them

Being highly introverted, and being a stuck-up prick are two different things. I think people misunderstand Maynard's introverted-ness as being arrogance. It really isn't.

And Tool is allowed to make fun of their fanbase, since most of their fans are the ones who put them up on a pedestal.

Not sure why you and Cerberus are so contemptuous towards Tool, perhaps it is because they go into the realm of pretentiousness too much for your tastes? That's kind-of the point of Tool post-Aenima (or even post-Undertow.)

And seconded, OpethAllenPoe. I never saw them on the Lateralus tour, but watching videos of those tours, plus seeing them on the 10,000 Days tour ranks them as one of my top three live bands.
I can't stand Tool by the way, used to like them a lot before I hit puberty.

Seems to me this must have been, at maximum, six months ago.

Tool are an excellent band. Maynard and Mike's singing have very little similarity. Mikael's is much more about layering, atmospherics, humming, and different vocal effects. Maynard has been considered by some to be a standard rock vocalist, and even if it were true, he has an excellent sense of rythmn and tempo that really compliments Tool's complex music.
And I don't mean striking similarities, I just noticed some of the singing in Hessian Peel sounded a little like the way Maynard would sing it.

You're probably noticing the middle-eastern influence of the vocal melodies and patterns. This can be heard throughout Ghost Reveries as well.

Mikael sounds like Mikael. Maynard sounds like Maynard.
No, I don't see any similarities. Tool, as a band, have done some amazing stuff. Maynard, I can take him or leave him. He's really nothing special. The band, musically, is great though.