No, I don't do any tuning nor editing. But the supporting singer is awful, it's probably him you reacted on. That's why he's barely heard in the chorus. I had originally planned to not use any compression at all, but it sounded so terrible without it on vocals. I would've ended up automating so much it wouldn't have been the singers performance afterwards.
I'm very surprised the drums turned out so even. Thought it would be all over the place dynamic wise, but the drummer seems to hit quite consistently, although a bit out of at a few spots but that may be because the guitars are throwing him off.
I haven't touched your DI, so I guess there's something missing then. Oh, there's supposed to be clean guitars there? Oh, well I think it kind of fits anyway, I like those slightly distorted chords.
Yeah, I haven't done any automation at all except a little on the supporting singer, so it's probably because that they're playing different riffs and it isn't a highgain tone. I was actually aiming for a even cleaner tone with your DI but it always sounded so weak on that one-note riff in the intro, so it got a little more fizzy gain instead. I used X50 and one of Mago's impulses I believe.