Mix 27 Songs performed by 28 Musicians (Raw Live Tracks inside)

Wow, great job! Did you tune the vocals? I remembered them being way more out of tune. Or is that just the compression?
The drums and the bass really lock in with each other in that mix. The guitars however stand out a little too much imo and unfortunately the left guitar is way of at times. Also the right guitar drops out at the end of the mid-section. Was the DI missing that part? And technically the very first part (before the whole band sets in) and the very last part (the "quite" chorus) should have a clean guitar sound.

Edit: In the beginning it seems like the left guitar is an awful lot louder than the right. Thought that got better throughout the song. Is it just me or is there some automation going on?

Hell, this came out so nicely I'm almost tempted to redo the left guitar as well. :)
No, I don't do any tuning nor editing. But the supporting singer is awful, it's probably him you reacted on. That's why he's barely heard in the chorus. I had originally planned to not use any compression at all, but it sounded so terrible without it on vocals. I would've ended up automating so much it wouldn't have been the singers performance afterwards.

I'm very surprised the drums turned out so even. Thought it would be all over the place dynamic wise, but the drummer seems to hit quite consistently, although a bit out of at a few spots but that may be because the guitars are throwing him off.

I haven't touched your DI, so I guess there's something missing then. Oh, there's supposed to be clean guitars there? Oh, well I think it kind of fits anyway, I like those slightly distorted chords.
Yeah, I haven't done any automation at all except a little on the supporting singer, so it's probably because that they're playing different riffs and it isn't a highgain tone. I was actually aiming for a even cleaner tone with your DI but it always sounded so weak on that one-note riff in the intro, so it got a little more fizzy gain instead. I used X50 and one of Mago's impulses I believe.
Ouch, those guitars in the the Foo Fighters song..... *cringe*

I must say, I'm digging the drum sounds. I'd kill 10 men to be able to get that sort of raw drum recording.
Once again for those who're wondering how it sounds before downloading here's a quick Toxicity mix from my laptop speakers with minimal plugins and tracks while on vacation...


Really good mix Plankis. What's on the snare?
Really good mix Plankis. What's on the snare?

Thanks, it's a BootEq on the top snare mic, with a lot of high shelfing and scooped a lot around 500 hz there's also a bump around 150 hz to give some punch. The bottom snare adds just a little sizzle, only BootEq here as well with most of the lowend taken out, scooped out a lot of mids as well.

There's also Reverb of course, a plate impulse I believe named Plate of shrimp.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1218523/2013-05-23 - Harvest [mix 1].wav

I'm really having trouble with the vocals on Harvest. Poor guy must've been out of juice or something because he's pretty far off. I love this song so I'm gonna tune it when I get a chance. Here's a quick mix, it has it's faults, but I feel like its a great start.

Such a great performance it's really too bad the singer couldn't keep up. Nice mix, the bass has a cool sound may be slightly boxy but I think that's what you were going for anyway.

Way too much highend it's very fatiguing listening to, especially the guitars and the snare.
Oh, wow, there really is some high end! :muahaha:
Here's The Trooper live cover:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7773954/The Trooper.mp3

Let me know what you guys think! :rock:

Cool, another nice mix from you. :)

Guys, I'm really sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread but I went through a few weeks with very limited internet access due to moving flats and stuff.
Anyway, thanks again for all your efforts, I really appreciate it.

Plankis, I finally got around to redoing those Foo Fighters DIs. There you go: https://mega.co.nz/#!l49DnSbD!KknIUk0MFto5YzC78jduBhkBTS1cyjUSe13z-Y7OHm4
It would really be great if you'd care to replace them in your mix (I got the second guitar as well now) since I honestly believe it came out really well. Thanks man.

Anybody else still working on some mixes?
Plankis, I finally got around to redoing those Foo Fighters DIs. There you go: https://mega.co.nz/#!l49DnSbD!KknIUk0MFto5YzC78jduBhkBTS1cyjUSe13z-Y7OHm4
It would really be great if you'd care to replace them in your mix (I got the second guitar as well now) since I honestly believe it came out really well. Thanks man.
Done. Did some minor tweaking to the other instruments as well.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/933491/Plankis - Times Like These NewGtrs 2013-06-08.mp3
I almost think this one is too clean. I want to bring up the noise floor but then the old guitars might leak through too much.
Thanks so much man, I owe you one. I noticed the old guitars coming through the Ambience during re-recording the DIs but I think it's just fine in your version. Great Job!