Modern Prog-Rock


German Asshole
Feb 24, 2007
Kelowna,B.C. Canada
this thread is to talk about said genre.

furthermore, i also want some recs please.

something similiar to tool.

also some (not over the top tech etc) prog shit, which an undertone of synth?

and dont suggest Porcupine tree. I cant stand his lyrics or voice tbh
The Mars Volta - De-Loused In The Comatorium

Although the vocals take some getting used to.
Check out Kaipa's Mindrevolutions...awesome prog rock with Morgan Agren on drums. The guy's amazing, if you've ever seen his video with Fredrik Thordendal.
Check out Indukti. They remind me of Tool a little at times.

Also, if you haven't already heard of them, check out Dead Soul Tribe.

Local Buffalo band. I'm friends with the guys. I'm not trying to promote their stuff (although it goes hand in hand); they really love prog rock like Tool and sound kind of similar. The first song on their myspace is live, and so the vocals are difficult to make out; but the other songs are studio recordings.

As far as other popular bands go:

A Perfect Circle (you probably already know them)
The Tea Party (Canadian prog rock w/ eastern influences)




I love this genre, but more so old progressive rock (Floyd, Genesis, Tull, etc.). But there are some great modern prog bands. I really love The Tea Party, but unfortunately they're not around anymore. They have a really unique, interesting sound. The lead singer/guitar player (Jeff Martin) is a genius.
^^^ True, not in terms of superficial aesthetics at least. But these are the only bands that inspire us to want to be musicians. They influence us to the extent that we want to emulate their achievement in depth of imagination.
^^^ True, not in terms of superficial aesthetics at least. But these are the only bands that inspire us to want to be musicians. They influence us to the extent that we want to emulate their achievement in depth of imagination.

Sounds good ! I hear many "influences" in there. I dont sound anything like my influences either, thats the way it should be. Emulate nothing, screw all else, create yourselves... play for the music
Finally im getting into Dream Theater( kinnda rock/metal, i just felt like posting it here.)

Saw them live just a few days ago. Everyone should see them live fyi.:)

btw I was so impressed that Im now covering erotomania with my band.