Molested - "Blod Draum"

The artwork for this is finally ready to go and everything should be sent to press tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. There was one final change in plans. Here is the final line-up:

Disc 1:
Blod-draum (remastered)
Stormvold (remastered)

Disc 2:
Blod-draum (original version)
Stalk The Dead demo
Unborn Woods In Doom demo

The demos sound great. I wasn't planning on having both versions of Blod-draum, but I was listening to the original and it is just so fucking great that I felt it would be an injustice not to include it since there was extra space.
Excellent, time to place my pre-order.

I believe this may be the first thing I am ordering from you good sir.
Is this really that good? I've heard from others that the production is horrendous, and the material not nearly special enough(though good) to warrant a purchase.
everything you like is shit so who cares go listen to devin townsend and fuck off
everything you like is shit so who cares go listen to devin townsend and fuck off

Oh no you didn't! Can't believe you didn't capitalize the beginning of either sentence, capitalize proper nouns, nor use any form of punctuation for this run-on with only sixteen words.
You suck.
Downloaded to check it out and it sounds like a big mess of noise and ass. Then you get to Following the Growls and it has all this folk bullshit that makes no sense with the music. Why do all these bands do this? Sure at the time it was new and exciting, however it is just lousy musicianship. Yikes. Turned it off after the title track due to use of the Didgeridoo. The drummer just blasts along in the background. What a waste of time. I'm disappointed as I usually like the bands mentioned on this forum.