more great viking/pagan metal bands

Blutaar said:
Here another awesome little band > OTEST
They come from lithuania and play some kind of Pagan/Heavy Metal (War Heavy Metal they call it) very good and individual! Not one of these Ensiferum or Koorpiklaani copies. Please check the Mp3's out:

(from the newest album!)

2. - Dvylika JuodVarniu.mp3


this Band sounds very well... do you know any possibility to get more?

to topic:
Equilibrium is one of my favorite Bands in this category... and some local-bands
from Thuringia.

many awsome bands have a drum machine (unfortunately). cf Ad Hominem.

anyway, a cool folk metal band is TROLLFEST!!!
i believe they are norwegian, and they kind of copied the style of Finntroll but in even more folky and goofy, and yeah they are pretty good.
Finntroll "fired" their new singer?? the one of Trollhammaren? or are you talking about the first singer? cause he wasnt fired he has voice problems or something. but perhaps you're talking about the new one.. well that was quick while it lasted.
thanks for the Radios -- i'm listening to the first link now. Its playing Baldur's Tod by Falkenbach (if you didn't know). :) Great stuff
Celtik Militia said:
Finntroll "fired" their new singer?? the one of Trollhammaren? or are you talking about the first singer? cause he wasnt fired he has voice problems or something. but perhaps you're talking about the new one.. well that was quick while it lasted.

he was literally just fired when they returned from their U.S. tour
bal-sagoth? they inspire a lot of bands.. they call their music 'bombastic baroque Britannic battle-metal', but their music is most of the time simply called symphonic black/death metal