Most Annoying?!

Which is the most annoying?

  • Diaper wearing, newbies trying to flame the regulars?

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Metal or Not Threads?!

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • "Dream Team" Line Ups?!

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Top 5 or 10 lists?!

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
"Metal or Not" threads have become so repetitive... therefore, in my opinion, one of the most annoying threads.

(I don't know if I'm considered a regular or not, lol.)
Damn newbies flaming the old people here, no respect for seniority anymore :loco:
I voted Metal or Not Threads?!

But I wanted to vote for all the above!
Fuck me, I just started a dream team line up. Do you seriously think I'm going to read up on threads dating back to when the dead sea was still sick just to see weather it's been done before or not? Here's a newsflash, not everybody's been here since the startup, sure I agree , alot of threads lack thought, but cut the newbies some fuckin' slack man. How about not responding to a worn out topic?..just an idea . Or how about we all fuck each other up in cyberspace and wake up tomorrow without a bruise or a trace of blood and do it all over again?
Zeppelin, I don't think sixx was aiming at you in particular when he had the idea of this post, it's rather a general observation.
I started some top-something threads/posts myself :p

By the way everybody writes crappy posts from time to time. Except for Hawk, but he paid me to write that.
Now, my award for the most annoying... uuuh... well, he's not there anymore to receive his deserved award :D
Zepp I wasn't taking a swipe at you, my friend. You are part of the family now.
I have seen, like 5-6 before your time. You hadn't seen them I'm sure, so no need to feel like it's aimed at you my friend. We are all guilty of lame assed threads...
I have posted some stinkers.
C'mon Zep be a sport. We all have play or posted those silly threads time and again. It is a general poll to measure the general (faithful) population opinion, it wasn't aimed at you in particular. ;)
Outch, sorry guys, guess I got a little defencive there. I know you wouldn't aim it at anyone in particular. O.K. ,I'll go for shit seeking newbies (even though I'm not completel innocent myself)
I voted "Top 5 or 10 lists?!" because I post them all the time proving that I am *the* most annoying prick on this forum.

Zeppelin dude, you got nothing on me ;)
Well, I'm not sure if I've been here long enough to be considered a regular yet, but I voted for the "Newbie flamers" option. I see those dipshits show up ona all the boards I'm a member of, and they fucking PISS ME OFF!

Clammy said:
Well, I'm not sure if I've been here long enough to be considered a regular yet, but I voted for the "Newbie flamers" option. I see those dipshits show up ona all the boards I'm a member of, and they fucking PISS ME OFF!


You are more of a regular than what I am if that makes you feel better. I wish I discouvered this place a whole lot earlyer, perhaps then I woudn't have pissed off the people I respect :confused:
I went for the nOOBs one myself hahaha Naturally I dont why but they seem to gravitate to me in the last 2 years I have dispenced with I dont know How many Irritating lil pricks that think they know it all about everything and tell me I HAVE to agree with them FUCK YOU! I'v earned my spot here...... this is not to say that all newbies are bad Some folks show up and its like they were always here ... like Wyvern its the ones who come in here and Disrespect the elders that have Built this forum into what it is today rather than the Flaming Troll pit it once was
Clammy said:
Well, I'm not sure if I've been here long enough to be considered a regular yet,
You are so regular you stink! :p

Clammy we need the new Exciter album, so we can post the "Top Five Bass players" thread :D
JonnyD said:
Irritating lil pricks that think they know it all about everything and tell me I HAVE to agree with them

JD, The only one you always have to agree with is ME. :D

I went with th "dream team" thread... if for no other reason than that I just dislike those threads. :)

nOObs don't bother me too much. If they're cool I post to them, if they are asses I just skip over their posts.
I think there allways be some repetition of threads like "top 10" , "best band" and stuff...I don't care if they appear now and than, becouse with me they change with mood and time. Also keeps newbies interested to join. I only get a little nervous with religious and political threads. You will see my "dark" side when talking bout that mostly.

My vote goes for "metal or not" threads...
Clammy said:
Well, I'm not sure if I've been here long enough to be considered a regular yet, but I voted for the "Newbie flamers" option. I see those dipshits show up ona all the boards I'm a member of, and they fucking PISS ME OFF!


Fuck Dude you play in a fucking old school band and your Good and respectful poster .... Wyvern already said it best!:D
sixxswine said:
Which would you say are the most annoying?!
Cast your vote, I'd like to hear what you got to say...

I'll vote for a fifth option. How about, "Regular Who Has Nothing Better To Do But Bitch About What He Feels Is An Annoying Topic"

That one sounds pretty worthwile.

*I'll be honest, I'm only looking at what the regulars have to say, since this is the house they helped build.

"Oh look Honey, another guy who feels superiority in the fact that he has posted more than another. Let us gaze in wonder..."