Most complicated music

...And what about the crazy shit that bands like Planet X are doin'?!

P.P.P.S......Meshuggah SUCK! :p
Mumblefood said:
you CAN'T be serious. Have a look at some of the sheet music for some of the modernists. Nothing in metal comes remotely close.


Look again poindexter!
Mumblefood said:
why is it that when people who don't know anything about what i am talking about assume i don't know what THEY are talking about? Metal was my life as a teenager. I think i've "looked".

Look harder.
The Greys said:
I can't recall Meshuggah using any interesting or even decent chord progressions or notes. I recall basic single note chugging, and guitar solos that do not go with the rythmn. I would not go as far as calling the band complicated or technical.
The complexity of Meshuggahs' sound lies in their polyrhythmic/polymetric drum beats and their rotating time-signatures. Haake will usually play a simple 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm on the cymbols while playing a completely different time-signature with the bass drums and these time-signatures, particularly with the bass will often change with each odd repetition. The snare switches between the two though usually sticks with the bass. The guitars usually stick with the bass drums as well.

It's not new or unique (Edit - nor is it the most complicated music) though it is music that has complex rhythm and time-signatures nonetheless.
Danallica said:
Liquid tension experiment

Stargazer isn't really techincal at all, but I think it comes off that way because they are amazing at using dual guitars and fretless bass.
Base Delta Zero said:
The complexity of Meshuggahs' sound lies in their polyrhythmic/polymetric drum beats and their rotating time-signatures. Haake will usually play a simple 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm on the cymbols while playing a completely different time-signature with the bass drums and these time-signatures, particularly with the bass will often change with each odd repetition. The snare switches between the two though usually sticks with the bass. The guitars usually stick with the bass drums as well.

It's not new or unique (Edit - nor is it the most complicated music) though it is music that has complex rhythm and time-signatures nonetheless.

Sorry mate but...Blah! Blah! Blah! :Smug:
BigJim said:
Look harder.
Here's a better idea. Stop being ignorant.

Mumblefood said:
No, it's a solo piano piece by Brian Ferneyhough called Lemma-Icon-Epigram.

Ferneyhough! That's who I was trying to think of the other day for this thread! Thanks!
BigJim said:

Look again poindexter!

He's right actually. While there is complex metal of course the complexity of some classical composers is vastly greater than the most complex metal.