"The" most unique metal band

^ okay, lsng...
M.Mortem don't come across as particularly "unique" to me. In fact, reading they're Norwegian makes absolute sense. They're one of those The 3rd and the Mortal type bands, not that the latter are absolutely generic sounding by any stretch... but I'd say def. generally Swedish/Norwegian sounding. They love their deep romanticism/gothic stuff with usually good vocals, and often that prog edge to them.
I read somewhere that Madder Mortem's debut "Mercury", which the first song is taken from, has been compared to The 3rd and the Mortal (whose music I do like), but to me, they don't sound very similar. If we are talking about the mood of the songs on "Mercury", it's heading somewhat in the direction of the first two releases by The 3rd and the Mortal, but the atmosphere on the latter is far more intense.

Does your "deep romanticism/gothic stuff"-comment refer to all six Madder Mortem-songs I posted? If so, I'd be curious to hear your explanation.

The second one sounds sth like (and I prob. shouldn't make this comment lol, but) ...Opeth+Korn. Please don't murder me, by my standards that's good.
Def good music.
I assume that by "the second one" you refer to the second Madder Mortem-song I posted. While I'm neither a fan of Opeth nor of Korn, it's OK if you like the song, because you think it sounds like a combination of these two. On a side note: When I saw Madder Mortem live for the first time in 2003, it was as support act for Opeth.

Panta Rei. Hungarian ? Heh. Quite nice too.
To avoid any misunderstandings, "Panta Rei" is the title of the first part of this song and not the band's name. It's also a song by Atrox (who are Norwegian).
my explanation ?? Oh gee...uhmm... well ugh...!
Well I just mean there's that lingering sense it's a Norwegian/Swedish band because of those melody types, like even if that song doesn't technically sound very similar to Opeth (although it actually does), there's that overall sense and momentum that are certainly reminiscent of an Opeth or many other Scandinavian bands. Like you know man, those relentless melodic strumming patterns that dig at you with sorrow, the highly atmospheric gothic dimension, a taste for folk moods in metal etc... typically Swedish/Norw. The beautiful but melancholic tone, the dirgy feel, the lamenting vocals...
Very nice though man, thx for that !

And I don't care about that last comment of yours, as far as my metal goes, there's only ONE Panta Rei, and they're from Texas !! :D

Hey, anyone want to contribute to the thread with those Voivod tracks ? Band was mentioned a few times on here. How about a nice example ?
Hey, anyone want to contribute to the thread with those Voivod tracks ? Band was mentioned a few times on here. How about a nice example ?

Might be different for others but for me it was the album Dimension Hatröss, because it was the first one of theirs I heard. Until anyone offers something different look up DH on YT it's bound to be there.
ahhh, my Voivod specimens. Thank you Oblivious first is meh, second Youtube's not available here, the last one seems more interesting.
So the late 80's Canadian thrash band with obvious punk influences, sounds like everything that should happen one way happens the other way. An emphasized hyperactivity. Should be called eccentric metal.