Most evil albums ever

Teitanblood - Seven Chalices and Necros Christos - Black Mass Desecration
I think the production is more evil sounding than Triune Impurity Rites
.... no ones mentioned it? No one at all?

Infester - To the Depths, In Degradation. Evilest fucking album of all time.
morbid angel- covenant and blessed, no band gives off an evil vibe like old morbid.

Alters is their most evil sounding album imo.

When Deicide's first album came out I thought it was the most evil shit ever. This was back when all I knew about Benton was that he was a Satanist who had burned an upside down cross into his forehead.
Schwärzung;9293416 said:
Anything done by the LLN is pretty fucking wierd and dark.
Yeah, not sure if I agree with Moevot but LLN sound evil as fuck sometimes, like Belketre and early Mütiilation.

Not metal but pretty evil nontheless:
Edit: Blood Libels was mentioned but Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan is a thousand times more potent. If it isn't evil enough it's still one of the most violent and relentless recordings ever.

I could have listed either album, but I just love the production of Blood Libels better.