Most evil albums ever

Trolling is when you post something that will cause disruption/make people mad for the sake of making people mad.

And I wasn't doing anything of the sort, quite a few people people agreed with me too, and there was meaningful intellectual debate about the topic that I brought up, not a flame fest by any means. The accusation made was silly and unfounded, not decent forum behaviour.
Haha I know what you're saying though, you can't base your entire identity as an artist/group solely on being anti-something.

Like Immolation, with the exception of the past 2 albums or so, their entire discography is based around anti-Christian lyrics, to the point where it gets old. I mean how many different ways can you criticize something.


Anything by Urfaust

Also, here's something a little different, most stuff by Reverend Bizarre. Most of the stuff being posted is either death or black metal, and yea I get that a lot of that is dark and evil, etc. But Reverend Bizarre is evil in the sense that they make you wanna go into a forest and cum with the goat and do other spooky Puritan witch things. That actually fits better with the whole idea of satan being a deceiver offering pleasure.
I don't know about evil (no words y'see) but when I listen to "Outro" by Corpus Christii it sends quite a few shivers down the old spine. Just basically a minute and a half of desperate howls with a huge echoing bang at the end. Immolation is quite evil too... checked some out yesterday after reading this thread.

!!!! :D I don't know about "most evil" but this is awesome.

I never got why Immolation seems to always rise above the rest in terms of sounding evil. I think the most "evil" sound is that of complete insanity and a lot of the bands being posted here seem very composed and sane.
I've never quite understood the whole "worshiping Satan" thing in Metal because I've heard or read from several different sources before that Satanists don't even actual believe in Satan as an actual entity but rather that Satanism involves worshiping and indulging the "God within you" or something like that, I don't remember exactly though. So that's how I come to wonder how all these so-called Satanic bands refer to Satan and Hell etc as real entities and places? i don't know, maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick. But here's something else I don't get... Let's first assume that Satanism is a real religion like any other. Now, most of these Satanic album get their kicks out of making hateful comments towards Christians and Christianity (there's a big difference between espousing your own religion and hating others), so my question is this: how is this any different to, for example, a Muslim making a CD about how much he hates Jews or a Hindu making a CD about how much he hates Buddhists? It's still small-minded religious bigotry whichever way you look at it, and bigotry is not something that can ever be applauded in civilized society. Also, no CD company would ever think of publishing, for example, Muslim-hating-Jew or Hindu-hating-Buddhist music, and even if they did, it would probably be pulled off the shelves pretty soon. So why is it that there are hundreds or even thousands of equally-bigoted Satanist-hating-Christian albums out there, and they are even stocked even by large department stores and such? Anyone wanna try explain this weird kinda moral and ethical disconnect that exists in the metal music scene?

Hey you, get out of my thread.

Also, TL;DR
I highly doubt many Buddhists,Hindu or many other religious sects care too much or are threatened by satanic themed metal.Although I do know of one or two bands based in the middle east who are anti-muslim,which is pretty ballsy.Black Metal is a bit of a purists genre and in order to be recognised within the genre anti-religious sentiments are a part of it,just as disco is to ABBA.
Only one per band:

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
Deathspell Omega - Si Monvmentvm...
Aborym - Kali Yuga Bizarre
Deicide - Legion

Some for music, some for lyrics.