NAD, you're knocking on my door with questions like that.
My first recommendation would be that you get Celtic Frost 'Monothiest'. I hope you have that. Terrorizer describes it like this, "If this record has a near relative, it's undoubtedly the '90's classics that stared the abyss full in the face to widespread applause - most specifically, 'Dirt', 'The Downward Spiral' and 'Mezzanine' - filtered through a chasm of crepuscular riffage and murky sonic debris."
Don't come back with a negative opinion after 1 listen. I'll kick you in the balls for doing something like that. I actually loved the tits out of it from the first listen, though.
By the way, I've also seen reviewers describe it as having a Swans influence, and I'd agree somewhat.