Favorite 5 Black Metal Albums

just checked out that newest blut aus nord, usually black metal albums take me a couple of listens to really appreciate but damn that one raped right out of the box. I need to give old school bm more chances; I like emperor and bathory but for some reason i can never get into burzum and darkthrone..obviously i'm missing something you all aren't
As far as I can remember (not clearly :heh:) on Lamentations DVD, Mikael was speaking about "Black Metal influence on new album" thingy, I think affinityband had a misunderstanding with that part. :) Therefore the result is way too clear, Ghost Reveries has nothing with Black Metal.I assume that he does not refer lyrical parts that have "Satan". :lol:
/\/\/\ Yeah, not sure I would call that particular album by Alcest black metal at all - it is far closer to a shoegaze record than anything metal - but obviously because Alcest has that connection to BM it doesn't surprise me that they get stuck with that tag.

As for Ghost Reveries being BM... :lol:
Well the first five BM albums I love and adore that come to mind are these:

Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Emperor - IX Equilibrium
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Mayhem - De Mysteriis dom Sathanas
Khold - Krek
in no particular order

Ulver - bergtatt
Dissection - Storm of the light's bane
Satyricon - Now, diabolical
Deathspell Omega - fas
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina

EDIT: slightly off topic: Seriously, if mother north is Norway's black metal anthem then I'd say that where dead angels lie is Sweden's.
how the fuck hasnt there been more than 2 mentions of hlto (mine and sad madrigal) but yet shit like alcest and now, diabolical gets mentioned
how the fuck hasnt there been more than 2 mentions of hlto (mine and sad madrigal) but yet shit like alcest and now, diabolical gets mentioned

now, diabolical is shit? Try to appreciate it for what it is and not what you expect it to be. No, it isnt black metal purely, but neither is DSO. Now, diabolical is more post-black metal kind of thing. I am in no mood of some purist point of view here (sorry if I accuse you falsely), I have a variety of taste in black metal which reflects my musical preference in general and I am happy that I am able to listen to music unbiased. Me liking now, diabolical is no doubt a result of that.
I haven't heard Now, Diabolical, but I would hope like hell it's nothing like Age of Nero.

But it is. Now, Diabolical is far better. K.I.N.G, The Pentagram Burns, A New Enemy are great songs but the album is not Black Metal. Riffs are generally Industrial-based.
how the fuck hasnt there been more than 2 mentions of hlto (mine and sad madrigal) but yet shit like alcest and now, diabolical gets mentioned

there is a danger in having your last.fm recently played list in your sig. we can always catch if someone is listening to come clarity while dissing others' shit taste in metal, which is never a good thing.

that aside, yes either hlto or the first half of filosofem does belong in a list of top five black metal albums, but it shouldn't have come as news to anyone here.

thumbs up for the guy who mentioned halmstad btw. i would also have leviathan's tentacles of whorror somewhere on the list.
It's pretty obvious those aren't his tastes. A) they're never updated and B) he never talks about any of those bands really.. - I clicked it once cuz I wanted more kvlt stuff but it was all lamb of god and such.