Most Overrated Metal Guitarists?

Yeah but I'm not just being an opinionated cunt about everything, to put it lightly.
I don't particularly enjoy Randy Rhode's playing, and I had my phase of worshipping Hendrix when I was 14, but to say they suck is way too far and just shows you up as a judgemental asshole, when in reality, most of us know you're a pretty nice guy.
I'm keeping it to myself because I have a fundamental difference in musical taste to most members of this forum and opening my mouth would be a waste of everyone's time and energy, because there will be a FUNDAMENTAL disagreement there that can't be changed.
I could easily come in here and say that I think Slash is boring as fuck, I could come in here and say I fucking hate everything Metallica have ever done, but what good would that be when I think genius guitar playing is tuning down to drop z, hitting the strings once and letting it feedback for an hour?
You just came in and started being a cunt, pure and simple.
But hey, I'm done with the lecture ;)
I still hope, ALL this bashings I have read here, was satire and not seriously. I cannot imagine that legendary guitarists who´ve wrote history and set culturally standards, not get the deserved appreciation and respect!

Don´t forget...Death Metal or whatever-core only exists, because one (in your opinion) unspectacular guitarist began playing some blues on his guitar.

I don't know about anybody else but I really didn't mean anything personal, I just love a good tactful argument.

I still <3 you all

<3? :(
Dude, I'm sorry, but it is not a tactful argument to say "I would love to kill all the people who listen to Lamb of God 3,001 times to be sure" and "I wish I had shot down the plane Randy Rhoads was in" - the definition of "tactful" is with tact, that is, delicately and considerately, not incredibly abrasively, the polar opposite and, incidentally, what you were doing :D

That said, none of what you said really offended me (cuz I happen to agree with a lot of it, but that's another story), just setting the semantics straight as one of the resident grammar Nazis! :D
Dude, I'm sorry, but it is not a tactful argument to say "I would love to kill all the people who listen to Lamb of God 3,001 times to be sure" and "I wish I had shot down the plane Randy Rhoads was in" - the definition of "tactful" is with tact, that is, delicately and considerately, not incredibly abrasively, the polar opposite and, incidentally, what you were doing :D

That said, none of what you said really offended me (cuz I happen to agree with a lot of it, but that's another story), just setting the semantics straight as one of the resident grammar Nazis! :D


What? :lol:
I don't get it, people rant AGAINST you and you one-up them?

you gotta be kidding

I don't really hold what people say on a forum against them, or really take what they say into consideration when it comes to ranting and all that. There's just no real point in hating one another, aren't we all here to share our experience and knowledge together?
All I know is that whether people think he is overrated or not EVH changed my life. And well I just dont do the over-rated guitar player thing. they all rule. its whatevs.
I don't really hold what people say on a forum against them, or really take what they say into consideration when it comes to ranting and all that. There's just no real point in hating one another, aren't we all here to share our experience and knowledge together?

You acted like a complete idiot and now you regret it.

Seriously, your reputation is done... Who would like to work with someone saying he'd like to kill everyone listening to a band? If you would have just said you didn't like most popular guitarists, it would have been ok. It's the other things you said that were just intolerable.
You acted like a complete idiot and now you regret it.

Seriously, your reputation is done... Who would like to work with someone saying he'd like to kill everyone listening to a band? If you would have just said you didn't like most popular guitarists, it would have been ok. It's the other things you said that were just intolerable.

All I know is that whether people think he is overrated or not EVH changed my life. And well I just dont do the over-rated guitar player thing. they all rule. its whatevs.


Even people who I'm terribly unimpressed by today may have had a profound effect on me years ago. I have trouble listening to a lot of Kirk Hammett's stuff these days, but 20 years ago it was mindblowing. Also, my love for Thin Lizzy, Michael Schenker, and Uli Roth can be traced directly back to Kirk Hammett interviews. Even if he was just there as a flagwaver, he's still a figure in my own personal playing history. Sort of like the Ace Frehley of the 1980s.

When it comes to EVH, though, I still continually draw inspiration from those first few Van Halen albums. They never had a clinical, perfect production approach---it was somewhat raw, but did a good job of capturing the rambunctious nature of the music. Who cares if it's a bit sloppy here and there?
Come on know you're a closet admirer of Randy Rhoads and especially Alex Lifeson. It's OK to admit it. ;) :lol: (just a joke)

What? Closeted? Who told you about that? It was a difficult time in my life, I was confused, I wanted to experiment, but I've moved on I've moved on I'VE MOVED ON!!!!!



Seriously, how the fuck do people stand listening to that cocksucker?
Damn he sucks!

I guess people really think that those whammys and other pitching effects makes a guitarist good.
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Seriously, how the fuck do people stand listening to that cocksucker?
Damn he sucks!

I guess people really think that those whammys and other pitching effects makes a guitarist good.

But he's got a bucket on his head!:OMG:

Seriously though, I had to stop it after 2 min. That was incredibly boring and not even that clean or in tune either. At one point I thought it was one of those parody videos.
Can't believe it has full stars and over a million views. You reckon it would still have that many views if he didn't wear a mask, have a bucket on his head, and hadn't played with Axl Rose?
Maybe he had an off night but I sure as hell was not impressed.