most promising new band?


Honestly, if their new album is any indication, they can keep improving as they've been doing. Great stuff. Very intelligent, very atmospheric, very envelope-pushing.
Ha. OK I didn't know whether you meant they were horrible or not...but yeah Mithras is awesome.

I'd like to also nominate Communic; I guarantee their third album will be great.
Outworld's self-titled debut in '06 was amazing. A very promising band.

And like someone said, Savage Circus, of course.
Во Скорбях, easily. The Russian/Eastern European scene is the only one producing anything I find to be truly innovative or interesting lately, and I find this band to be the best of them. Brooding doom metal with heavy Slavic folk influence, especially vocally. Their s/t debut was just released a few months ago. Fans of Drudkh and Крода should take note.

house of lies, etc.

This Demontage band seems pretty badass thanks for making me aware of them Jean-Pierre.

Crimson Massacre seems to be the most promising recent DM band. Alcest is also highly promising though no longer metal.
Crimson Massacre seems to be the most promising recent DM band.
I can agree with this, The Luster of Pandemonium is probably the finest album the genre has produced since Obscura in terms of originality and creativity. I'm hopeful that the follow-up will continue in the same vein of incorporating classical influence into death metal.