Most Talented Band Ever?

Explain to me how Pink Floyd's music doesn't take talent.... or King Crimson, or Emerson, Lake & Palmer

If you read my post more carefully you would have seen I said "a lot of" talent, not simply "takes talent". Do I believe prog rock takes as much talent as a person can possibly put forth? Fuck no. You guys are mixing up talent with creativity, things that are revolutionary, and things that have become "classics" in our minds eye. The Rollings Stones are all those above things (I guess...) but are they very talented?? No!
I have listen to them and yes they are above talented, but I would take Wish You Were Here any fucking day over Brain Salad Surgery. Stop acting as if I don't know what I'm talking about and haven't thought this shit out because I can gurrantee I know way more than you do about music.

Nah, BSS is a fucking masterpiece. I love it. Yes - Close to the Edge and all their other material slay PF and ELP though.

Anyway, Boston! Especially that first album.
If you read my post more carefully you would have seen I said "a lot of" talent, not simply "takes talent". Do I believe prog rock takes as much talent as a person can possibly put forth? Fuck no. You guys are mixing up talent with creativity, things that are revolutionary, and things that have become "classics" in our minds eye. The Rollings Stones are all those above things (I guess...) but are they very talented?? No!

Prog is about as hard as it gets so, yes, it's the epitome of the output of talent from a musician. You're second point is unbelievably irrelevant and makes little sense.
I really need to get into Yes, but I haven't had the time.

Yes might be my favorite band of all time. I listened to them long before getting into metal.

Start with Fragile or get the Ultimate Yes or Solid Gold Collectio[n/I]. Then buy Close to the Edge, Relayer, Tales of Topographic Oceans, and everything else.
what band do you think is the most talented considering all of the musicians in the band and rating them in terms of songwriting, technical proficiency, creativity, etc...?

I laughed when I read this. Then I laughed even harder when I read that whole pretentious debate between Dave, Dazed and Susperia. Why the fuck do you all take these opinion things so damn seriously? This is just another ploy by Dave to prove his "well-versed-ness", of which he has none. He's no better than a troll by creating this thread.

But that aside...

Blind Guardian's lineup before their original drummer left was absolutely perfect. Hansi's voice wasn't necessarily virtuosic, but it had a bard-like, conservative quality that was perfectly suited to the music; in addition, he is a great lyricist and does not bore or steam with pretension like a lot of power metal lyricists.. Andre Olbrich was and continues to be an unmatched guitarist with his amazing songwriting skills and high level of technical ability. Marcus is also very technically adept and creates a great dual guitar chemistry with Andre. Lastly, Thomen is one of the greatest and most accomplished drummers I have heard, not only in power metal but in a general musical sense.

That's my two cents worth.
I laughed when I read this. Then I laughed even harder when I read that whole pretentious debate between Dave, Dazed and Susperia. Why the fuck do you all take these opinion things so damn seriously? This is just another ploy by Dave to prove his "well-versed-ness", of which he has none. He's no better than a troll by creating this thread.

this thread was supposed to be about discussing metal bands which you think are very talented, your post is exactly what I was thinking off when I created this thread.