Most Talented Band Ever?

not true. excuse yourself.

Music a lot of times is not a females 'dapartment', especially for a blonde female. No need to even respond or think to much about it. A blonde chick could not even play a punk song if someone tried to show them!
It's impossible to say. It may very well be some shred band that I don't listen to at all (I don't have a taste for shred stuff). In terms of death metal, I think that the most talented band I've heard is Pavor.
I acknowledge the fact that Dream Theater/Petrucci is talented. But I think they are not the most talented band out there, completely aside from the fact that their music is not my up of tea.
ok, IMO it's not Dream Theater. And I'm not just saying that because I find the widespread fanatic Dream Theater fanboy-ism irritating.
Majority of their fans do remind me of comic book convention attendees. I was at one of their shows just for Satch as opener and was HIGHLY amused by the geek squad.

No, wait, really. Hear me out.

They created the best:

Goregrind album (Symphonies)
Pure Death Metal album (Necroticism)
Melodic Death Metal (Heartwork)
Post-death metal / death n' roll (Swansong)

No, wait, really. Hear me out.

They created the best:

Goregrind album (Symphonies)
Pure Death Metal album (Necroticism)
Melodic Death Metal (Heartwork)
Post-death metal / death n' roll (Swansong)

I'm a carcass fan and all.... Heartwork is not the best melodic death metal album.