Most Talented Band Ever?


No, wait, really. Hear me out.

They created the best:

Goregrind album (Symphonies)
Pure Death Metal album (Necroticism)
Melodic Death Metal (Heartwork)
Post-death metal / death n' roll (Swansong)
Carcass pretty much invented all those genres...and yes Heartwork is one of the best albums ever.
no no no...Siege invented grindcore you philistine!

yeah, u r right.

anyway, i know who has a great talent...


Um... if it is entirely an opinion question then how can you say that ELP is more creative and hence more talented than PF...

I never implied that, all I was stating is that you can't possibly say that PF is leaps and bounds more talented than all other prog bands (which I what I thought dazed and brutal was implying, but apparently not)
possessed invented death metal, napalm death invented grindcore if my memory is correct


Mate, please don't use the phrase "if my memory is correct" if you've been into metal less than a couple of years and learned everything you "know" from Teh Intarweb.

A few of us in here CAN actually remember Napalm Death - Scum from the time it was released, including TV and radio appearances.

In the UK, Steve Wright (useless cunt DJ, now on Radio 2) used to play snippets of ND as a punishment to callers on his radio show if they got his answers wrong.
Yes, but at the time they were playing "grindcore". I think it was later when people started dissecting genres and classified them as goregrind.

Not really. Symphonies isn't really very much like Grindcore at all, even with the one-foot blasting. Symphonies takes much from trad-thrash riff structures and rearranges them with an atypical for the time death metal oeuvre.

Fuck me, I sound like a cunt/

Mate, please don't use the phrase "if my memory is correct" if you've been into metal less than a couple of years and learned everything you "know" from Teh Intarweb.

A few of us in here CAN actually remember Napalm Death - Scum from the time it was released, including TV and radio appearances.

In the UK, Steve Wright (useless cunt DJ, now on Radio 2) used to play snippets of ND as a punishment to callers on his radio show if they got his answers wrong.

yea dude we already know that you are a crusty old bastard, thanks for confirming that