Movie tread

My biggest problem problem with it, is the idea that they felt it needed to start all over from the beginning again, such a short time after Sam Raimi's films. For me, it would have been better if they had made it as a sequel to that series, screw the fact that the director and actor were other people than before.
My biggest problem problem with it, is the idea that they felt it needed to start all over from the beginning again, such a short time after Sam Raimi's films. For me, it would have been better if they had made it as a sequel to that series, screw the fact that the director and actor were other people than before.

Indeed, why did they have to reboot the entire series? So many better things could've been done; and the CGI is so excessive that it disgusts me. I'd rather watch a movie about a weed-smoking TeDdy bear.
Indeed, why did they have to reboot the entire series? So many better things could've been done; and the CGI is so excessive that it disgusts me. I'd rather watch a movie about a weed-smoking TeDdy bear.

the CGI looks pretty good in 2-D, but i can see how it would be vertigo-inducing-crappiness if you see it in 3-D
the only problem i had with the CGI was the Lizard's face looking like a god-dammed frog's face
i was totally hoping for the longer snout from the comic

but instead we got this crap
Got some new old films today, Psycho in a two disc, metalbook collector's edition, The Gathering and Drag Me To Hell. Haven't seen The Gathering, Drag Me... was a bit dissapointing but as a big Sam Raimi fan I wanted it in the collection. Biggest reason for the purchase was the price though, got all three of them for a collected price of 50 DKK, which is about 6,5 Euros.
^ Any good?

I recieved two new films for the collection;
The Midnight Meat Train (unrated director's cut)
Supernatural Tales (2-disc special edition)

The Midnight Meat Train is about a subway prowling serial killer. It's based on a shortstory by Clive Barker (Hellraiser), taken from his Books Of Blood.
Supernatural Tales is a collection of shortfilms by a group of upcoming Danish directors. Apparently, they decide on a new theme each year, and make films on that theme. I already have the Wasteland Tales collection, the theme being future, devastated world (think Mad Max), and now I also got the Supernatural collection (pretty obvious what the theme is here). Some of it crap of course, but then some of it is pretty innovative and interesting, and that weighs up for the less good parts.
ben affleck just yesterday turned down chance to direct justice league movie
DC still wants justice league movie to come out at the same time as Avengers sequel
and DC is already wanting to make Batman movie without Nolan's involvement
I was surprised to see how awful and badly directed TDKR is.

thank you
i have just spent the last few weeks having to listen to the Nolan-ites raving about how freaking awesome it was
i thought it was crap, my roommate (the guy in the vids i'm posting) thought it was crap and finally someone online agrees with us
Well, I wouldn't call myself a Nolanite, but I liked it. I've heard comments such as "best movie in the world", and that is definitely taking it too far, but taken for what it is, a full-speed action basher, it fullfilledd my every requirement. Strange though, that he makes such a sequel invite at the end when he was so dead serious about not making any more...