Movies/series thread

I think it will be good. Funny thing though is that Arnold said Terminator Salvation sucked and I think that one is ten times better then Terminator 3 Rise of the machines so you never know....

Yep. T3 was shit with way too many atempts to be funny. Sadly by the looks of the trailer they are going for the same kind of trowback puns, its funny once or twice in a movie, not 50 times.

Agree with Qth, it's kinda boring when they literally reuse jokes. But I suppose it's nostalgia for some people? Either way, I'll watch it in the theater. Also I kinda liked T3 but yeah it's not better than Salvation that's for sure!
New Terminator looks kind of shitty... Stupid name and retarded story. I thought the idea of having a new Terminator intercepting and altering events seen in the first movies was a cool idea but they lost me with the whole John Connor hybrid shit. That and the fact that it visually looks like T3 (that semi-amateurish look with too much bright CG). Get Cameron back at the helm and bring a little class and excellence back to the series...
^Cameron wouldn't go along with it. He would want total control of the project and he would never get that I don't think.

Besides, it's not really a new story, it's kind of a half-remake of the first one.
Finally watched Babadook.
I was about to turn it off, because after 30 minutes I already had serious cancer because of this fucking child, but then after I watched the movie I understood why it had to be this way.
Very refreshing psychological horror, looks like westerners are finally learning something from asians when it comes to horror movies. It had its flaws, but overall solid.

So this is supposed to be a joker.
Well, i didnt expect much from jared leto, but this is a joke. And then ben affleck as a batman, wow :lol:
waiting for the new Hannibal, at first didn't like. But it grew on me. Its awesome
I just finished the first season of Z Nation. For a Syfy show it was actually really good. It's campy and corny at times, but it knows that it is. It's not trying to be as serious as TWD. The characters and story were much better than I thought they were going to be and I got hooked a couple episodes in. Also the zombies/gore/effects are actually really good. If you like Zombie shit but a little less serious than TWD, check it out it's a streamer on Netflix.
Finished my second watch of Band of Brothers. Fucking amazing!
Word! Amazing series! Did you also watch The Pacific? Took me a bit longer to get into, but still really good.
I just finished the first season of Z Nation. For a Syfy show it was actually really good. It's campy and corny at times, but it knows that it is. It's not trying to be as serious as TWD. The characters and story were much better than I thought they were going to be and I got hooked a couple episodes in. Also the zombies/gore/effects are actually really good. If you like Zombie shit but a little less serious than TWD, check it out it's a streamer on Netflix.
Thanks, will check it out.
Word! Amazing series! Did you also watch The Pacific? Took me a bit longer to get into, but still really good.

I did yeah! The Pacific is great too, sure. Buuuut Band of Brothers is still that much better... I think my top favorite shows is a little different now too :p

1. The Wire
2. Band of Brothers
3. Game of Thrones
4. House of Cards
5. Breaking Bad