Movies/series thread

Stop talking about the books already! I'm afraid you're gonna spoil something :(

I do not think I can spoil anything anymore because the show is past most of the potential spoilers or have changed too much for them to even occur....Except the one that I suspect will be this seasons big shocking event and have fans butthurting and crying all over the internet! :lol:
Chappie is pretty good. But South Africans are retarded, like for real retarded.
Cannot wait for the Warcraft movie :kickass:


I hate the lore that was added starting with Warcraft 3. The night elves are probably one of my most hated races of any game ever. Not even for gameplay reasons, I just can't stand them for some reason, I hate everything about them. I have never liked elves portrayed in that manner in any game, where they are overly glorified romanticized cartoon bullshit.

Okay so that was a bit intense, but I truly do despise the lore that has been added to the Warcraft universe since WC3. Complete with gods and spiritual mechanics and crazy ass hierarchy's and fucking kung-fu Panda's. It's a god damn game about Orcs and Humans at war with eachother, with a few Mages and Demons behind the scenes as catalysts.

Warcraft 1 and 2 had perfect stories, I loved reading the Blizzard manual backstory, I don't understand the need to introduce fanboy service elves and whimsical celestial mechanics.

Okay went off the handle again there. Sorry 'bout that, gonna have lager and watch the hockey game there eh?
^A bit intense? :p

I can see where you're coming from, but the movie isn't going to be about any of all that! It takes place before or around Warcraft 1 - just look at the imdb page for the movie and you will see that it's pretty much exactly what you like. Orcs and humans and a mage or two :)
I hate the lore that was added starting with Warcraft 3. The night elves are probably one of my most hated races of any game ever. Not even for gameplay reasons, I just can't stand them for some reason, I hate everything about them. I have never liked elves portrayed in that manner in any game, where they are overly glorified romanticized cartoon bullshit.

Okay so that was a bit intense, but I truly do despise the lore that has been added to the Warcraft universe since WC3. Complete with gods and spiritual mechanics and crazy ass hierarchy's and fucking kung-fu Panda's. It's a god damn game about Orcs and Humans at war with eachother, with a few Mages and Demons behind the scenes as catalysts.

Warcraft 1 and 2 had perfect stories, I loved reading the Blizzard manual backstory, I don't understand the need to introduce fanboy service elves and whimsical celestial mechanics.

Okay went off the handle again there. Sorry 'bout that, gonna have lager and watch the hockey game there eh?

I really like the story in Warcraft 3 especially the undead invasion of Lordaeron and Arthas fall from grace, that was epic as fuck!
The story in the Frozen Throne expansion was pretty bad though...

very disappointed with the new Point Break trailer, looks well done, but extremely cheesy and not really likable characters. It's a shame, i liked the old one.
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