Movies/series thread

I actually liked The Sopranos a lot the first time I saw it. When I tried to re-watch it though I noticed I got really bored by the family life part of the show. It's a really great show when it's focusing on the Mafia activity but I have to agree it has a bit too much soap opera attached. It is still a well done show, and I think part of its appeal to a wider audience was that combination of themes. A mobster show you can watch with your girlfriend type of deal.
I actually liked The Sopranos a lot the first time I saw it. When I tried to re-watch it though I noticed I got really bored by the family life part of the show. It's a really great show when it's focusing on the Mafia activity but I have to agree it has a bit too much soap opera attached. It is still a well done show, and I think part of its appeal to a wider audience was that combination of themes. A mobster show you can watch with your girlfriend type of deal.

The family part of it was exactly what bored me to death. It didn't interest me in the least - and even if the mob parts were awesome, it wasn't enough to weigh up for the bore of the family parts.
Just watched the latest GoT episode. I didn't expect such a cliche :lol:

I have loved that show since the beginning but this season makes me thinking about stop watching the show all together...they have chosen to ignore almost all of book 4 and most of what made the story great following the end of the war of five kings with a significant loss of quality as a result. :(
Anyone seen Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhaal? Pretty good, original.

Yes! I thought it was really good too - stunning cinematography as well.

I have loved that show since the beginning but this season makes me thinking about stop watching the show all together...they have chosen to ignore almost all of book 4 and most of what made the story great following the end of the war of five kings with a significant loss of quality as a result. :(

Haven't read the books so I don't really care what they do and do not put into the show from the books, but I agree that season 5 is worse than the former seasons. I'm still going to watch it but it won't be with the same hype and excitement as with seasons 1-4. It's still a LOT better than most of the crap that is on TV at the moment
Yes! I thought it was really good too - stunning cinematography as well.

Haven't read the books so I don't really care what they do and do not put into the show from the books, but I agree that season 5 is worse than the former seasons. I'm still going to watch it but it won't be with the same hype and excitement as with seasons 1-4. It's still a LOT better than most of the crap that is on TV at the moment

Yeah but the thing that made game of thrones good too begin with was that it was very faithful to the books. Even though they left out parts from the books from the very beginning what they did include however was almost exactly like it was in the books.
And I was fine with the the changes they made in earlier seasons because they were still telling the same story as the books.
Now in this season for some reason I struggle to comprehend they have gone in the totally opposite direction and they basically do not follow the books at all anymore and the series have become just another failed book to film/television adaptation.
And yes it is still great in it's own way I guess but I feel cheated because I was expecting so much more. Now they just go for cheap shock value by killing off minor characters in every episode....I am disappointed....
Whats funny, I refused to read greyjoys chapter because ""Lul, lets have some surprises, HBO will tell the story and Ill be more excited to see new episodes""
Yea, so, fuck you D&D
ive been watching got. i feel like they always have a story heavy first part and gradually transition to the good parts at the end. give it time (im hopeful lol)

Anyone seen Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhaal? Pretty good, original.

i saw it in theatres, loved it.

recently saw drive which was also terrific
Yeah but the thing that made game of thrones good too begin with was that it was very faithful to the books. Even though they left out parts from the books from the very beginning what they did include however was almost exactly like it was in the books.
And I was fine with the the changes they made in earlier seasons because they were still telling the same story as the books.
Now in this season for some reason I struggle to comprehend they have gone in the totally opposite direction and they basically do not follow the books at all anymore and the series have become just another failed book to film/television adaptation.
And yes it is still great in it's own way I guess but I feel cheated because I was expecting so much more. Now they just go for cheap shock value by killing off minor characters in every episode....I am disappointed....

I guess people will always bitch about adaptions not being truly faithful to the books ;)

I could not give two shits about the Greyjoys. Thought they were one of the most boring houses in Westeros...
I actually liked the Greyjoys in the show up to season 4 (I have not seen season 5 yet) even though they have not had a large role yet. Theon is clearly a twat but the house in general seems pretty badass, and from what little is said and shown they seem to be exceptionally tough.

I think I like houses that other people seem to hate. I loved Tywin Lannister, he was one of my favourite characters and I was very disappointed to see him go. He was by far the most interesting "villain" to me because despite his cruel and ruthless demeanor he seemed to have an underlying dignity and morality that was misunderstood by everyone as evil. Part of that might have been the excellent portrayal by Charles Dance, but I just felt like there was a much bigger picture regarding Tywin and his reasoning that other characters couldn't quite see and so he was vilified. Jaime is awesome too minus the whole incest thing, and nothing needs to be said about Tyrion.

To be honest House Stark is kind of boring for me. I liked Ned, Jon Snow and Arya but I could do without the rest.

That's only coming from a guy that does not know the books though so I'm probably seeing the shallow version of the characters. Feel free to call me on it if I'm wrong.
I actually liked the Greyjoys in the show up to season 4 (I have not seen season 5 yet) even though they have not had a large role yet. Theon is clearly a twat but the house in general seems pretty badass, and from what little is said and shown they seem to be exceptionally tough.

I think I like houses that other people seem to hate. I loved Tywin Lannister, he was one of my favourite characters and I was very disappointed to see him go. He was by far the most interesting "villain" to me because despite his cruel and ruthless demeanor he seemed to have an underlying dignity and morality that was misunderstood by everyone as evil. Part of that might have been the excellent portrayal by Charles Dance, but I just felt like there was a much bigger picture regarding Tywin and his reasoning that other characters couldn't quite see and so he was vilified. Jaime is awesome too minus the whole incest thing, and nothing needs to be said about Tyrion.

To be honest House Stark is kind of boring for me. I liked Ned, Jon Snow and Arya but I could do without the rest.

That's only coming from a guy that does not know the books though so I'm probably seeing the shallow version of the characters. Feel free to call me on it if I'm wrong.

You are more correct than you think. And the Starks are pretty awesome in the books, even Catelyn when she returns as the undead Lady Stoneheart (another thing not happening in the show).