Movies/series thread

I did not drink or smoke when I started watching it and I loved it, now that I do it is even better. :)

Oh, I believe it.

Wth is Aqua Teen? :lol:

A cartoon about anthropomorphic food items (a meatball, a box of fries, and a milkshake) and their neighbor, Carl, on Adult Swim.

There's very little in terms of linear story and most of the plots are just a collection of non-sequiturs so, if you're big into character development or story arcs, look elsewhere. :lol:

Here are some recommended episodes from various seasons if you're curious:

  • Mail-Order Bride
  • Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future
  • Broodwich
  • Frat Aliens
  • Kidney Car
  • Video Ouija
  • eDork
  • Dirtfoot
  • Boost Mobile
is it along the lines of superjail? weirdest show i've ever seen

Haha, no, Superjail! is even deeper in the surreal/black comedy realm. It also started to have some character development later on, which doesn't really happen in ATHF. The characters one meets early in the first season – they really found their groove about halfway through – are essentially the same characters thirteen seasons later.

Also, ATHF had another finale after their finale episode...because of course they did.
is it along the lines of superjail? weirdest show i've ever seen

I don't like Superjail at all, and it's a very different show.

It's honestly pretty random and retarded, but Carl and Master Shake make me laugh my ass off every time. There is very little continuity or development, just episodes about completely absurd things happening.

Such as when Aliens abduct Master Shake and send a melted cup to Earth to impersonate him and apparently take over the earth (without ever telling him his mission)

Or Carl getting locked out of his own house after co-ordering a mail order bride with Shake

Or Shake trying to attract the Olympic committee by digging up his gas lines.

Story arcs are completed within 15 minutes most of the time so it's a pretty good quick laugh type of show.
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Oh and if you ever saw the Team Fortress 2 videos using this audio, it comes from the intros to Aqua Teen Hungerforce. The intro before the opening of each episode is a completely unrelated short sketch with Dr.Weird (and later with the Aliens posted above being extra dumb). For the first 4 or 5 seasons anyway.

If you are amused by these or the video above, you'll probably like the show. :lol:

With that said I disliked the ATHF movie. The show is done in a 15 minute per episode format (like early Metalocalypse) and it just works better...
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Just watched The Man From Earth. Shoddy acting but that's very easy to get over with the amazing plot progression! Really good movie, 95% of it takes place in a guy's living room. You miss out if you don't give it a try :)
I loved that movie. There are a few questionable acting moments but I loved how the whole movie was just a philosophical "what if" discussion.

If you liked it you may also like 12 Angry Men. The 1950's version, the remakes have terrible acting and are line for line carbon copies.

It is about an open and shut murder trial where the defendant appears almost 100% guilty. The entire movie takes place in the Jury room as they discuss if he is guilty or not, with only one juror believing he MIGHT be innocent trying to reassess the evidence and convince everyone else that the defendant is not as guilty as he seems. It is really fascinsting to watch, even 60 years later.
both of those above are good. as far one "location" movies goes, i liked Pontypool
I loved that movie. There are a few questionable acting moments but I loved how the whole movie was just a philosophical "what if" discussion.

If you liked it you may also like 12 Angry Men. The 1950's version, the remakes have terrible acting and are line for line carbon copies.

It is about an open and shut murder trial where the defendant appears almost 100% guilty. The entire movie takes place in the Jury room as they discuss if he is guilty or not, with only one juror believing he MIGHT be innocent trying to reassess the evidence and convince everyone else that the defendant is not as guilty as he seems. It is really fascinsting to watch, even 60 years later.

A few is an understatement but it is very easy to forget about it and just delve into the movie. John tells of his experiences very vividly so the bad acting isn't a very big deal.

And I do like 12 Angry Men, yes! I didn't even know there were remakes, let alone one remake. It really is incredible how well it has aged. I suppose this is what they call a timeless movie?
Just watched all three Predator movies in a row (No AVP of course). It would seem that the Predator never gets boring because I was completely into it the whole time, even during the more retarded Predator 2 moments.
No, Caleb said that he was completely into Predator the whole time. And that's how I feel about Terminator, in that I think all of the movies are fun. T2 is the best obviously, but I still like T3 and T4. And I think T5 is better than T1... Don't kill me please :p
^That about sums it up.

I still find T3 tolerable though so I would include it, if only for the scene where the Dr.Silberman (the psychiatrist from T2) thinks he is recovered from his last experience, and then Arnie comes out of nowhere carrying a coffin and fucks up his whole world view... Again. Great moment :lol:

I have not seen the new Terminator yet, I stopped looking forward to it once I saw the trailer.
^That casket moment is one of the best throughout the entire series! :D

I saw the trailer like 6 months before the movie so I couldn't remember it at all. Hollywood has a very strange idea of including spoilers in trailers - it doesn't make a lot of sense.

But for me... T2 > T5 > T4 > T3 >T1