Movies/series thread

Going to see Rogue One in a few hours. Originally I planned to see it later when it is released on Blu-ray. My inner Star Wars fan boy shat all over that idea and demands that I go to the theater even if it's not part of the main storyarc.
Even if there are other main characters and it officially is a "spin-off" it really is more part of the main story than TFA is so far. It feels more like a real Star Wars movie, you will be surprised.
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Saw your post, but was afraid i'd fuck up the spoiler and ruin it for everyone else (See what fucking cute little bunnies do to me? I'm fucking considerate)

Ok, here goes nothing:

Would be easier to discuss the movie if I wasnt terrible with remembering names (Pokemon dont count).
Anyway, First 1/3rd of the movie was okay-ish, was too slow paced and too focused on main characters, luckly then it all went in good direction, we got plot development and fucking battles.
As for characters, main chick wasnt as edgy as in trailers, she was okay i guess, the dude main character wasnt very memorable, pretty generic guy, but again, thats okay. Then two asian dudes were a nice addition, I liked the bulkier guy's blaster and their friendship seemed genuine. At first I thought pilot was going to be a comical relief, gladly it didnt turn that way and new droid was pretty funny while not being useless.
Now, i just confirmed that 3 characters i was talking about were certainly done in CGI, Leia (obviously) and the old commander dude from Empire and commander chick in white from Rebels. I feel like Leia was just put in more for "WOW MAIN CHARACTER FROM OLD MOVIES" factopr, but the other two were really well done and I thank Disney for that, i finally feel that technology is going somewhere, not just to add explosions and boring backgrounds.
And last thord of the movie, on Scarif (or Sarif?) - amazing. Tons of fighting, amazing scenery, lots of action and then the very ending with Vader going full god mode and basically showing us the beginning of the New Hope was mind blowing.
Bonus points for killing all main characters lol. Although they just couldnt help themselves and show us a love scene, i mean come the fuck on, we could do without goddamn hugs and kisses while main characters are about to die, dont ruin the movie.

So to conclude and its nonspoilery:
I wish Disney did Force Awakened like they did rogue one. Sadly i still wont be interested in seeing Han Solo unless they cast someone good.
And again, Disney is really surprsing me in 2016. Best animation i've ever seen (Zootopia) and Star Wars that didnt suck and also with superb special effects. Cant stress this enough - finally CGI technology is used in a good way, not "because we can" and ruin movies like Hobbit.

Wait.. Mon Mothma (the rebel commander in white) wasnt CGI, or was she? If so they really fooled me. edit: Played by Genevieve O'Reilly says imdb.
I had no problem at all with the little love scene, especially since they didnt overdo it with some over the top kissing, it felt real and like you said overall it is a really dark movie. I mean even the "love-scen" is depressing. :D
Wait.. Mon Mothma (the rebel commander in white) wasnt CGI, or was she? If so they really fooled me. edit: Played by Genevieve O'Reilly says imdb.
I had no problem at all with the little love scene, especially since they didnt overdo it with some over the top kissing, it felt real and like you said overall it is a really dark movie. I mean even the "love-scen" is depressing. :D

Well, looks like youre right, i shouldve went to imdb not check my info on random site.
As for the love story, it still felt kinda forced but okay, it wasnt extremely forced so im fine with that.
The other commander you were talking about is Tarkin, some people on are complaining about the CGI-characters. I loved it because it was so damn good, at first I was like "is the Tarkin-actor still alive?" (he died 1994 btw), when I saw it was CGI I still thought damn this is cool. And when Leia turned around I got tears in my eyes.
Are you serious? People will fucking complain about everything. Tarkin CGI was amazing touch, Leia maybe felt a little forced but it was nice fanservice. I for one appreciate this move very much becauyse it shows we have technology to easly "ressurect" characters, for example for remakes or in case actor dies or whatever. I honestly didnt catch that it was CGI, but I was watching without my glasses on kinda shitty seat, so maybe i missed obvious details. When i get this on bluray ill discuss this again. But still certainly nothing to moan about.
It looks like some kind of "elitism" to me. What I mean is probably most of those retards read an article about Tarkin being CGI and obviously its now trendy to be all "HURRR CGI IS BAD" and even if in the end Tarkin was played by a real person they still would say he was cgi and it was terrible.
CGI is bad only if you suck at using it (Hobbit). If its done well shut the fuck up and enjoy the technology.
I'm beginning to think that it's a conspiracy to boost ticket sales. It worked fucking wonders for Fast and Furious when Paul Walker died. I bet it will sell millions more tickets for Rogue One because of Carrie Fisher dying!

I think I should get into the business of killing famous people for Hollywood. Nothing could go wrong