Movies/series thread

I haven't read any reviews on Rogue One yet and plan not to but I heard one rumor that it is "phenominal". :)

I was thinking about reading Star Wars: Aftermath (its a book about what happens between RoTJ and TFA) to maybe get a better understanding and liking for TFA. But looking at reviews on the book, reviews written before TFA was released, most of them dont like it basically has the same complaints I have about the TFA, that it doesn't feel well connected to the Star Wars universe and that many characters feels shallow and uninteresting, compared to the SW Extended Universe-books written before Disney took over.
This is also a bit worrying.

edit: Oh yeah and apparently there is plenty of homosexual stuff in the book, how surprising. I guess we can expect som kind of all female gang/fleet or whatever in the future stories to further prove that girls matter in this world!

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I dont care about this movie because when i saw people that could take the role of Solo i just immediately thought "Silly boy / fag". Not gonna watch it.
Yeah Im trying not to jump ship yet... but Im at the rail right now.

But all this is looking like Disney have no fucking idea what they have bought, that its one of if not the biggest movie franchise ever with the biggest and most dedicated fanbase, they have some fucking responsibility to take this shit serious. Its like they are playing around with Batman or some shit.
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I would certainly prefare Star Wars to be a series of grim movies, or at least shot in come cool, distinct style (Nolan's Batman for example, if were bringing bats)
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Exactly. Make a darker movie if you need to make changes. But Disney obviously only picked this up to milk the money out of it, so comedy it is, the fuckers.
Yea, sadly this seems to be the case.
Oh well, here is hoping that at least Rogue One wont suck. If it sucks then it would be better for Disney to stick to animations with furry animals, becauce i still want to masturbate to this volume of realistic hair
What I'd like is a Game of Thrones type TV series, but with Star Wars. Same mood and feel to it etc., just with whatever Star Wars stories they can come up with. A Boba Fett TV series could be neat
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Thats actually my thoughts exactly about a lot of franchises (is it plural for franchise? lol). For example im completely not hyped for a Witcher movie, I've seen poland trying it once and it was a disaster. Obviously now world can do better than 90's Poland but still i doubt you can tell a good, interesting story with developed characters in 2 hours film or something. There is no time for development and pace in a movie, thats why i prefer shows nowadays.
What I'd like is a Game of Thrones type TV series, but with Star Wars. Same mood and feel to it etc., just with whatever Star Wars stories they can come up with. A Boba Fett TV series could be neat

George Lucas actually started working on something like this 10 years ago, officially called "Star Wars Live-action tv-series", 50 scripts were finished but they cancelled it due to financial problems to keep the quality high.
Unofficial name was Star Wars: Underworld...

Some insteresting reading here:
Sounds like it could have been quite awesome.

ABC has also been talking to Lucasfilm and Disney about a tv-show but there is nothing planned yet.
If you read the article it was going to be the darkest Star Wars material yet, it also says they haven't scrapped the scripts or ideas they were working on so it might be used some day. But yeah, Disney might put a stop to that of course.
I wouldnt expect Disney to make anything "dark" to be honest.
While i was watching making ofs of Zootopia they were talking about a lot of scrapped scripts, one of it was a literal "utopia" where predators were wearing collars on their necks that prevented them to go savage. If collar detected they are overwhelmed with emotions (doesnt matter good or bad) they were being tased. Obviously someone decided that it would be too grim.

Some of the deleted scenes, obviously not fully rendered and animated but you get the idea

Just got home from Rogue One and god damnit I think it might be the best Star Wars movie so far even if it is a sidestory and doesn't have much Jedi-stuff in it. First of all... the Samurai-stuff I was worried about was not overdone, no more than Darth Maul really, it worked out great.
The characters are great even if there isn't much time to go deep on all of them, the acting is good, the chemistry is good, I actually like and care more about these characters than the new ones in TFA, even the robot, fuck BB8!
The action is awesome and the death-count must be a SW-record, its a really dark movie and I love it. The comedy is also done really good and not silly or over the top. I cant find anything to complain about, maybe one small thing but it doesn't really matter.

The few minutes of Dart Vader is so fucking awesome. The other old characters that show up are also incredibly cool. The CGI in this one is INSANE.
I'm floored by this movie tbh. The way they tie this one to ANH is just beautiful and masterful. I'm going to see this one again on IMAX.
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Just came back from cinema. Happy to report that Rogue One is 100x better than Force Awakened.
Keeping my thoughts for now spoiler free, but characters are not obnoxious (mostly), there is no stupid droid to please children and you finally feel like there is "Wars" is Star Wars. Still I would preferare the movie to be even darker, but for Disney standards it's fucking funeral. I also have a suspicion that either they brought 3 human characters alive with CGI or they found clones.

Also, ending is fantastic and battles in space and on planets are amazingly done.
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Saw your post, but was afraid i'd fuck up the spoiler and ruin it for everyone else (See what fucking cute little bunnies do to me? I'm fucking considerate)

Ok, here goes nothing:

Would be easier to discuss the movie if I wasnt terrible with remembering names (Pokemon dont count).
Anyway, First 1/3rd of the movie was okay-ish, was too slow paced and too focused on main characters, luckly then it all went in good direction, we got plot development and fucking battles.
As for characters, main chick wasnt as edgy as in trailers, she was okay i guess, the dude main character wasnt very memorable, pretty generic guy, but again, thats okay. Then two asian dudes were a nice addition, I liked the bulkier guy's blaster and their friendship seemed genuine. At first I thought pilot was going to be a comical relief, gladly it didnt turn that way and new droid was pretty funny while not being useless.
Now, i just confirmed that 3 characters i was talking about were certainly done in CGI, Leia (obviously) and the old commander dude from Empire and commander chick in white from Rebels. I feel like Leia was just put in more for "WOW MAIN CHARACTER FROM OLD MOVIES" factopr, but the other two were really well done and I thank Disney for that, i finally feel that technology is going somewhere, not just to add explosions and boring backgrounds.
And last thord of the movie, on Scarif (or Sarif?) - amazing. Tons of fighting, amazing scenery, lots of action and then the very ending with Vader going full god mode and basically showing us the beginning of the New Hope was mind blowing.
Bonus points for killing all main characters lol. Although they just couldnt help themselves and show us a love scene, i mean come the fuck on, we could do without goddamn hugs and kisses while main characters are about to die, dont ruin the movie.

So to conclude and its nonspoilery:
I wish Disney did Force Awakened like they did rogue one. Sadly i still wont be interested in seeing Han Solo unless they cast someone good.
And again, Disney is really surprsing me in 2016. Best animation i've ever seen (Zootopia) and Star Wars that didnt suck and also with superb special effects. Cant stress this enough - finally CGI technology is used in a good way, not "because we can" and ruin movies like Hobbit.