Movies/series thread

i really enjoyed episode 7 though, even though it was a re-hash of ep4 with a lot of stupid stuff thrown in. but at least it showed that they know what star wars is from a story telling and esthetic perspective.

the prequels could have been so much better if they were made this way, and with better dialogue/story telling

for me, episode 7 was just a taste of things to come. here's to hoping i won't be disappointed :) seeing rogue one in about 2 weeks
The Samurais is already making me cringe, I guess Disney didn't feel it was enough to use asian actors they had to add some culture to it too. I seriously have no problem with Samurais if they make it work, add some substance to it, some story, if they do it like The Force Awakens it will be a disaster. Star Wars was always a story about the people and the universe, which The Force Awakens totally fucking missed, its like a fucking political remake fanfilm of A New Hope with nothing explained.
If an uninitiated person would watch ep 1-7, 1-6 will make sense and progress the story, even if ep1 is kind of shit it still has a purpose and it works. And then ep7 come on and like... wtf is happening? Some fucking angry little teenage gang built a Death Star-planet and then some pew pew and we know nothing about wtf happened to the rest of the universe the last 30 years? OH BUT GIRLS CAN FIGHT AND THERE ARE MANY RACES (THAT ARE EQUAL!!!) IN THIS WORLD, AND THE WHITE MAN IS THE VILLAIN!

Kathleen Kennedy, J.J Abrams and Disney can fuck off if this is the way its going to continue...

breathing... but I have a small hope it wont and that they will get back on track.

Yesss, yessss, let the racism and sexism flow through you.

Thats a good time to bring up that I was once a very tolerant person, but i just couldnt deal with all the bullshit and propaganda anymore and joined the dark side :)

Also, ill bee seeing Rogue One this sunday. I have no expectations, just dont want to be dissappointed.
There is nothing in my post that is racist or sexist, I just dont want it shoved in my face when Im trying to enjoy a movie and if they do a Ghostbusters on Star Wars I will go nuts.
Im also watching it on Sunday, cant wait.
i really enjoyed episode 7 though, even though it was a re-hash of ep4 with a lot of stupid stuff thrown in. but at least it showed that they know what star wars is from a story telling and esthetic perspective.

the prequels could have been so much better if they were made this way, and with better dialogue/story telling

for me, episode 7 was just a taste of things to come. here's to hoping i won't be disappointed :) seeing rogue one in about 2 weeks
I enjoyed it too in the cinema, until I started to digest it, and the second time I just hated it. Have you seen it more than once?
Im curious what about it you think is good storytelling? Imo they basically ignore most of the history to the story and just restart, and not in a good way. The tempo does not have a Star Wars feel, they copy everything without much context and don't tie it with the history or the rest of the universe we have learned to know in the previous 6 episodes, its just incredibly shallow and cheap eyecandy.
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Then you did a common mistake, when you enjoy something but dont know why you enjoyed it DO NOT digest it. I ruined many games and movies for me this way, so now if the experiance was just okay, not mindblowing i dont ponder on it.
That is kind of impossible with Star Wars since you keep watching them over and over again, and I did cringe at the cinema too but I just shook it off. Maybe it will get better if they get back on track.
Are you an idiot?
Its Star Wars! I was raised to Star Wars.

I thought it had been established a very long time ago that yes, I am in fact an idiot :)

I hear this a lot and I really don't get it. I think I'm too young and so missed out on the Star Wars pop culture thing. I watched them when I was like 16 for the first time and to this day I still don't really get what is so great about them. The first one is fine, the second one is okay, but that's about it. The third one and the prequels are all utter shit, in my opinion. I mean, fucking teddy bears? :lol:

For me, The Force Awakens is by far the best Star Wars movie (don't get triggered from me saying this :p), and I'm looking forward to seeing where the series will go with a modern take on it. Because also generally I dislike old movies as they just bore the dick out of me and Star Wars isn't much of an exception.

Recently I watched Luke Cage and also Narcos (season 2), and holy shit is Luke Cage bad in comparison to the other Marvel Netflix shows. Narcos is great though. Anyone seen these? :)
I enjoyed it too in the cinema, until I started to digest it, and the second time I just hated it. Have you seen it more than once?
Im curious what about it you think is good storytelling? Imo they basically ignore most of the history to the story and just restart, and not in a good way. The tempo does not have a Star Wars feel, they copy everything without much context and don't tie it with the history or the rest of the universe we have learned to know in the previous 6 episodes, its just incredibly shallow and cheap eyecandy.

I've only seen it once.
I like the pacing of the movie. I mean, compare it to episode one when you have an entire movie about some kid pressing buttons at random and saving the world a la kids movie, mixed with politics a la not kids movies, mixed with a few good scenes (mostly darth maul related), mixed with jar-jar binks.
I'm not saying episode 7 is perfect by any means, but there were few things that bothered me as much as when I watched the prequels the first time. With that said, I might of course change my opinion when i see it the next time (I'll probably watch it before episode 8 is released), but being the first star wars movie under disney, I was pleasantly surprised :)
Can't wait to see rogue one on the 28th and i'm looking forward to seeing what they'll do with the trilogy next as well!

Saw this one yesterday, good movie :) such anti-racism movie though, are you growing soft on us?
Soft like a little bunny <3 Besides predators didnt do anything wrong, it's not like they raped or killed or relied on welfare. Doesnt change a fact that this animation can cure cancer and all bitterness
I've only seen it once.
I like the pacing of the movie. I mean, compare it to episode one when you have an entire movie about some kid pressing buttons at random and saving the world a la kids movie, mixed with politics a la not kids movies, mixed with a few good scenes (mostly darth maul related), mixed with jar-jar binks.
I'm not saying episode 7 is perfect by any means, but there were few things that bothered me as much as when I watched the prequels the first time. With that said, I might of course change my opinion when i see it the next time (I'll probably watch it before episode 8 is released), but being the first star wars movie under disney, I was pleasantly surprised :)
Can't wait to see rogue one on the 28th and i'm looking forward to seeing what they'll do with the trilogy next as well!

Saw this one yesterday, good movie :) such anti-racism movie though, are you growing soft on us?

Ok. Its a bit easy to compare it to ep1 though. There is much about it that sucks but it also does a great job at setting up the plot. The introduction of Anakin at least makes sense even if there are lots of weird stuff going on and some bad acting, and the movie somehow contributes to building the universe. Darth Maul is awesome and the lightsaber-fights rules. Senator Palpatine is awesome and the politics and the setup for overtaking the Republic is just great.
There is nothing even compared to this in TFA, its just a bunch of random pew pew, introducing new kind of lame characters, ripping off ideas, planets and scenery and then killing Han Solo in an obvious way. Chewie barely cares and Leia just passes him by and doesn't even give a shit? They have been fighting together for half a lifetime and they don't even care to hug it out? But at least its pretty! Disney killed the soul of Star Wars in this one and they need to fix it.

Byt the way.. Do you have a ticket booked at the IMAX-cinema in MOS? Did you read that they have to close it today for at least a week because the inner roof is about to collapse. We had to book new tickets in a normal cinema, damnit.
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i see your points, absolutely :) seeing it for the first time, i was just giddy as hell because it's fucking star wars, lol. the prequels are definitely better story wise, but they drop the ball so often that it just gets annoying to watch, especially episode 1, 2 is a little bit better, mostly because of the lack of boy-anakin and jar jar is not as present, and 3 is actually pretty good.
i'm just ready to accept a mediocre first movie as long as they don't overdo the greenscreen and funny-not-funny sidekicks like lucas did. hopefully the trilogy will just get better from here on :)

yeah, i read about that stuff, but i have not received any e-mail or anything saying i need to re-order my tickets and since it's almost two weeks there i guess i don't have to worry about it
Yeah I hope they save this. But that miss with Chewie and Leia (even JJ Abrams has admitted this was a mistake) and the lack of Luke and basically nothing tied to the old stories just gives me the impression they dont care about or want anything to do with Lucas story, just forget everything and make this their own. I'm afraid that will turn everything into a teenage moneymaking shitstorm.