Movies/series thread

Mine had seizures for his last half of the year, eventually stopped eating by himselft and only ate when i hand fed him. Still dont know if its the stress from seizures that killed him or not eating properly and fucking up of his digestive system. I'm glad though nobody offered me an option to put him down, probably i wouldnt be able to agree to that. Although the worst thing was hearing him literally scream when he was dying in the middle of the night. This shit i wont ever forget, at least he didnt suffer much longer then.

And now i just made myself sad again, fuck this.


I just realized I have never seen Bladerunner. :eek:

me either!

Thats k, ive never seen Godfather :)
(except for Zootopia part, huhuehueh)

and same here :p
^Pretty much my thoughts on it as well. Very pretty
yeah, i've added it to my list on netflix. i really do not like mafia movies in general, but i need to watch that one to see what the fuss is about i guess :)

It's not really a mafia movie like you think it is. It's more just drama or thriller
What no love for Goodfellas?? Or Casino? Donne Brasco? All awesome movies!

Godfather is quite good too, it's a bit drawn out too but those scenes where things get intense are pretty amazing.
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