Movies/series thread

I finished OA.

So its a pretty good series IF you wish to ignore some really fucking stupid things, that are extremely forced to push the narrative. If you can ignore that thats a nice, short series.

But I made a mistake. I havent done a research if season 2 exists or if its commissioned. I already got screwed by Netflix when they didnt continue "The Returned" which hooked me up as fuck and now i couldve just wasted time for another series without ending.
I see its available to pirate already, yarrr, gonna watch it tomorrow then if you guys say its good.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
I liked the first one but this was just really bad. Its the first movie with Tom Cruise that I quit watching, I made it to 75mins, Tom can usually hold a movie on his own but this is just so horrible I couldnt keep watching. The dialogs are boring, the obvious girl power politics is silly, a female Major, a female soldier helping out for some reason, the retarded girl is super annoying, stupid jokes about lesbian soldiers. HOLLYWOOD JUST FUCKING STOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!

I will watch OZ instead, guys fucking and sucking each other off and then killing each other.
Watched Arrival, since I want to rant a bit im putting it in spoiler tag

First of all, the movie had great potential, the first half was simpy great, then...

Characters started making dumb decisions and the movie created unrealistic drama.
"Oh, look, Aliens! They dont attack us, they seem to want to communicate with us. Lets attack them!"
I could expect dumb decision from peasants scared of their own shadows, not from world leaders. I mean, they are fucking aliens, they traveled the space and look at this gargantuic stone hovering above our territory. I bet we have a chance to stop the invasion with tanks!

Then the movie started to be waaaay too deep.
Then how is the main chick the only one who in the end could see the future?
What would happen to aliens in 3k years? Why do they need us?
Why would a fucking telephone to a ching chong general change his mind? Sure, you said my wife's dying words, so what? You are spy and my enemy then.

Wasted potential could be a great movie about just trying to communicate with other, powerful race, there was no need for this fake drama.
Baaah just go watch cartoon bunnies!

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