Movies/series thread

Saw trailer now, its gonna be garbage :) Othen than that the chick is way disgustingly skinny, and has extremely annoying face.
I cant tell that she's a good actress since for the whole trailer she just makes one face. Annoying one, i might add.
After finishing romance chinese cartoon I decided to start Attack on Titan.

Not bad, I've got quite funny observation, but in case someone would want to watch it I wont say anything in case it's a spoiler.

I can understand the hype behind AoT, I couldnt understand One Punch Man's hype though, it sucked. It was okay-ish first few episodes but then it got old. Yea, we get it, he kills everything with one punch, hillarious, no need to remind about that every episode.
One punch man actually seems to take itself fairly seriously after the first few episodes, which is weird because I went in expecting nothing but comedy and parody. Some cool animation but nothing special
This won't be news to people that watch comically terrible films, but I was looking for a bad movie to watch last weekend and, hot damn, Shudder delivered: Black Devil Doll from Hell.

Synopsis from the Wikipedia article:

"Helen Black is a religious young woman who is determined to abstain from sex until marriage. This all changes once she purchases a supposedly haunted doll from a thrift store, after which point Helen's sex drive becomes insatiable."
The whole soundtrack sounds like it was made on a Casio keyboard. It''s something.
Looked up a clip on Youtube quickly since I'm bored. What the fuck did I just watch?
My question exactly. I saw the whole thing and I don't have an answer.

My ladyfriend has been away for a couple weeks, so I've watched a bunch of things recently:
  • Nosferatu The Vampyre – While it didn't hit me like the original, I like the direction Herzog took, and I really enjoyed Klaus Kinski's performance
  • The first half of the Ken Burns & Lynn Novick Vietnam documentary – Holy shit, they've done one hell of a job on this. Nice not to see a simply American-centric viewpoint. While I can't say I'm "excited" to finish the series, it has been a rewarding experience.
  • IT (2017) – The jump scares/loud noises get old, but the kids are all great in it. (Full disclosure: I didn't care for the original series, at least not beyond Tim Curry's performance.) I liked this one enough to be cautiously optimistic about part two.
  • mother! – Mixed feelings on the film, despite a lot of solid elements. The whole mother earth allegory/bible metaphors are not subtle at all, which distract a bit from how great some of the scenes are, especially the ones that make one feel anxious (e.g. anytime Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer are on screen)
  • The Blob (1988 remake) – A lot of fun, great human-melting-in-ooze effects
  • Lake Mungo (Australian faux-documentary style horror film) – Fucking loved it. It's a slow-burn, but if the trailer interests you, I highly recommend it.
  • Demoni (Italian horror) – Argento-produced, Bava directed, silly but fun tale of having to survive monsters while trapped in a movie theater.
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Of those movies I have only seen Nosferatu and The Blob. I saw Nosferatu the Vampyre over 10 years ago and I was fairly inebriated so I don't remember much of it. The Blob remake is a pretty solid 80's style B-movie though, I think it's actually a bit better than its reputation might suggest.

I have heard a lot of really good things about that Vietnam documentary from a few people now. At first I wasn't sure if it would be the kind of thing I would enjoy, but I keep hearing that it's a much deeper study of the war than most. Generally if you want any new information on that war, you would have to start digging around into sources that are less than credible. It's definitely intriguing.
I have heard a lot of really good things about that Vietnam documentary from a few people now. At first I wasn't sure if it would be the kind of thing I would enjoy, but I keep hearing that it's a much deeper study of the war than most. Generally if you want any new information on that war, you would have to start digging around into sources that are less than credible. It's definitely intriguing.

I deeply appreciate how in depth they seem to have gone. (Aside: My dad fought late in the war and it's always been, as one would imagine, a sore subject.) There are interviews with North and South Vietnamese soldiers, activists and protesters, family members of deceased soldiers, American soldiers from all ranks and factions, as well as audio clips of private conversations between McNamara and's all over the place in a good way.

Give the first episode or two a try—note that they're all at least an hour in length. If it doesn't grab you by that point, it probably won't later on.

There's a good interview between Sam Harris and Burns and Novick if you'd like a more behind the scenes look at how it was put together:
Holy shit, cosplayers doing 100000000000x better job than industry again


Perfect Lara body, just put some dirt on her face / make her slightly older and you have perfect copy. Enji is a treasure.
If she looks good enough to resemble character she portrairs thats already good enough to me. If you look like shit you have to be AMAZING actor, but from the trailer all we saw is one face skinny chick that cant act for shit, so yeah.

But then again, thats why I almost stopped giving fucks about movies, 1: theyre too short 2: im sick of seeing the same faces all over again. I go with series / games for storytelling now, preferring games (as long as they dont model the characters after hollywood actors, fuck you kojima).
If she looks good enough to resemble character she portrairs thats already good enough to me. If you look like shit you have to be AMAZING actor, but from the trailer all we saw is one face skinny chick that cant act for shit, so yeah.

But then again, thats why I almost stopped giving fucks about movies, 1: theyre too short 2: im sick of seeing the same faces all over again. I go with series / games for storytelling now, preferring games (as long as they dont model the characters after hollywood actors, fuck you kojima).

I definitely appreciate a good movie over superficial details when it comes to movie adaptions of games.
I think Alicia looks close enough to the new iteration of Lara, so as long as the movie's good I could care less what her boob size is or w/e the latest grudge keyboard warriors are having.
With that said, having a good actor(s) in a movie doesn't mean the movie's gonna be good. I mean, the Star Wars prequels are full of good actors trying to do their best with a shit script and crap dialogue, didn't help alot.
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I definitely appreciate a good movie over superficial details when it comes to movie adaptions of games.


It's not even boob size at this point, since this cosplayer is clearly using tons of pushup and tricks. She at least looks like someone who has physical strentgh to do all this stuff and not like jew in auschwitz dying from starvation. And again, and I will repeat it unless she proves otherwise, she has permanent face expression like Lara from the early 90's, but thats not what they were aiming for.
You know what I was getting at; I mean, it's no secret that 95% or more of all movie adaptions of video games are pure shit, just saying that I rather see a good movie than a bad one that has all the correct aesthetics.

You'd be surprised how strong some people are, that doesn't look like it btw. My friend's girlfriend has pretty much the same build as Alicia Vikander, but she outlifts several of the strong-looking dudes on her gym. Alicia has worked out a lot for this role.

I do get what you mean, but I think most of the gripes people are having with the choice of actress is just complete bullshit. I was reading through some of the Facebook posts on the official page, and I was pretty dumbfounded by how stupid people are. People are actually saying the movie will be crap because the choice of actress doesn't give them a hard-on basically.
I find it really hard believing that the true fans of the series care more about the cup size than the story/quality of the movie etc.