Movies you like that no one else does


Sep 13, 2003
Van Helsing

Objectively, this movie is an incoherent mess and the tie-in materials were more mature than the actual film. But to my 12 year old self, this movie would have been the greatest thing ever. :headbang:

heh heh heh
Flash Gordon....................and......................I can't believe I am about to admit this but here it goes............Xanadu. :oops:

I believe I have just been officially banned from ProgPower and I shall turn over my ticket to the proper authorities.
Van Helsing

Objectively, this movie is an incoherent mess and the tie-in materials were more mature than the actual film. But to my 12 year old self, this movie would have been the greatest thing ever. :headbang:

heh heh heh

Van Helsing?:confused: Almost everyone I know likes this film.
What Dreams May Come - Not the greatest movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it's an interesting perspective on life after death, and certainly depicts a cruel afterlife for those who commit suicide. This movie just got destroyed by critics when it came out but I really enjoy it.
there are too many for me to think of off the top of my head...

Jersey Girl
Freddy Got Fingered
Stealing Harvard
Out Cold
the original Punisher movie
America's Sweethearts
the first Dungeons and Dragons movie
I Heart Huckabees
Death to Smoochy
Big Trouble
Flash Gordon is great, campy, fun! The soundtrack by Queen is almost worth the admission by itself. (My mom was shocked that a rock band did some of the cooler synth passages, like the 'into the Vortex' part.)

Let's see...

Boondock Saints
Into the Blue

Allexander (highly flawed, but the 'Revisited' edition is probably the best)
Older Comedies (Some Like It Hot, Teacher's Pet, Desk Set, June Bride, Arsenic and Old Lace, etc.)
Bing Crosby Movies (White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Going My Way, The Bells of St. Mary's, etc.)
Shirley Temple Movies (The Little Princess, Curly Top, Captain January, Wee Willy Winkie, etc.)
John Wayne Movies (Hatari, Circus World, Eldorodo, Big Jake, The Longest Day, etc. ... Oh and SwordLord, I know your little secret and I have the picture to prove it. Mwahahaha! :heh:)
It's a Wonderful Life (Everyone else groans when they play it a million times at Christmas, but I love it.)

What can I say? My parents sheltered me as a child and it's stuck with me until this day. :erk: I'm sure there are folks out there that like these movies, since they are "classic" type movies, but in my age bracket and immediate circle of friends I'm a loner in my love for these film.
Um...I don't know about the people you know, but Boondock Saints doesn't really qualify for this thread since it's extremely popular (and one of my favorite movies) :)

I like this one as well ... it's actually been one of my favorites since a friend showed it to me in high school. But I know that the directors cut is significantly different than the VHS original. Wonder which one people did/did not like?
My brother and I forced ourselves to watch The New Guy. Horrible, but hilarious. And Elisha Dushku dancing in a bikini is a great fringe benefit!


Where The Heart Is (Cuz Natalie Portman makes for an AWESOME milf. And the story is incredibly powerful.)

Young Frankenstein (I always get the "It's a black and white movie?" response from idiots.)