Movies you like that no one else does

Van Helsing

Objectively, this movie is an incoherent mess and the tie-in materials were more mature than the actual film. But to my 12 year old self, this movie would have been the greatest thing ever. :rock:

heh heh heh

At first I didn't care for it due to the so-so graphic work, but then the more I watched it the more I kinda figured it was done like that on purpose (the whole pseudo-realistic approach). After I just relaxed on the critique side of things it was quite enjoyable.

One I really like that my wife shakes her head at me for - The City of Lost Children!


and sorry Pellaz, Boondock Saints is one of my all-time favorites too! :rock:

Oh, the movie is popular amongst a certain, almost cult-like group (to which most of my friends belong), but allll too often, if I mention it to average people, they say "huh? Wazzat?"
Remember, it never had a theatrical release, which is startling considering that Willem Dafoe (among others) is in it.
Boys & Girls
Kung Pow

There are a lot on here I wouldn't consider unpopular movies. Love Actually was quite a hit when it was in theaters and it was all I heard people talking about for awhile. There's a number of "cult" hits like I Heart Huckabees (I quite enjoyed that one) and Flash Gordon, too.
Young Frankenstein (I always get the "It's a black and white movie?" response from idiots.)

"Would you mind telling me whose brain I did put in?"


Oh, the movie is popular amongst a certain, almost cult-like group (to which most of my friends belong), but allll too often, if I mention it to average people, they say "huh? Wazzat?"
Remember, it never had a theatrical release, which is startling considering that Willem Dafoe (among others) is in it.

Yeah, you're prolly right... :p Supposedly somewhere out there is a sequel in the works. Not sure how much more they could do, but surely it's about the brothers and their paw Il Duce.
Troy...personally I think this is a very cool movie, along with great fight scenes. Alot of guys dogged this movie, because they say Brad Pitt is too much of a pretty boy. Personally, I think the guy is cool, so I have no problem with him.

A Lot Like Love...I think Ashton and Amanda Peet are very good together in this film. I feel in love with this movie, because I can relate well to the era that it takes place in, the 90's. I feel like I did a lot of my growing up, while in college in the 90's like the characters in the movie.

Big Trouble in Little China, one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of all time. :D

hmm...A Boy and His Dog

That Van Damme movie Double Impact...its actually god awful but it cracks me up.

I like a number of movies that many consider not so good, but I think enough like them to keep them off this list (Highlander, for instance. I probably saw that movie 1000 times when I was a kid and a teenager...and I still like it!)
Real Men with Jim Belushi and John Ritter.

Loved it! I liked all of Ritter's stuff.

Waterworld mentioned earlier, I liked it too. Mad Max on water.
Boondock Saints is really popular cult-wise, like the Warriors.

Here's some of mine:

Night Of The Creeps
Transylvania 6-5000 (the one w/ Goldblum and Co.)
anything with Ami Dolenz in it (Ticks, Miracle Beach, Witchboard 2)
all the TRANCERS movies
Ski School (
Girlfriend From Hell
Highway To Hell
Blade 3 (if they took out Dracula and went with the human farms it would have been more morbid and cooler in my opinion) but.. for some reason, I still watch it